SSIS XML Configuration Files and "Missing" Connections

  • I'm stressing over trying to establish our SSIS configuration scheme. I have a dozen or so SSIS solutions that are using a single XML config file to handle ole db and flat file connection strings. I use an environment variable to store the location of the XML file. I'm struggling over why packages throw validation errors when the package can't find connections in the package that exist in the XML. Seems like this should be a warning at most. Most companies will experience the scenario where some packages use connections that other's don't.
    Anyway, the packages still build, and run successfully. That is unless you have a parent package call a child package with said errors. The child reports back that "errors" occurred and the parent stops execution. "Error loading MyPackage.dtsx. The connection "...." is not found. The error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found."
    What's the best way around this? I've kicked around creating a single XML file for each package, but this goes against the very concept of reusbility, plus I need an environment variable for each XML package location.
    I've also seen people get around this by using package variables and expressions since they only raise an error if an element exists in the XML and not in the package.
    Thanks for an input!
  • Nope - if something in the config file is not found in the package, it reports an error. I agree, it should be a warning, at most or configurable. Because of this, I have ended up with multiple config files. Most only dealing with one or a small set of configurations.

    Another method I have used is to create your own configuration setup. Using an XML file, flat file or a SQL DB, use the onprevalidate and a script task or the Set Variable task and setup things yourself.

    Not ideal but...

    Cheers,CrispinI can't die, there are too many people who still have to meet me!It's not a bug, SQL just misunderstood me!

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