SSIS xls cell is empty

  • My xls file has a column that is usually a $ amount. There are some empty cells (not a space). When reading it in ssis, I'm saving the xls file into a table. The column in SQL is defined as float.

    SSIS cannot read the empty cell.

    I added a data converstion task with this code.

    LEN(TRIM([column name])) > 1 ? (DT_I4)[column name] : 0

    Data Type DT_I4.

    When it runs, it loads into the sql table and adds a -0- if the cell is empty BUT adds a NULL if the cells has an amount. How do I get the amount instead of the NULL?:hehe:

  • Hi,

    I would like to suggest two points when ever you use Excel as a source data stream:

    1. Always append IMEX=1/0 to your connection string respectice to the kind of data parsing you wish to undertake.

    2. Never ever change data type to benefit your need...try using the derived data task component....

    I have tried the same using ISNULL(Salary)?0:Salary expression....

    Hope this helps.

    Raunak J

  • I have tried that but I get the message "Could not find installable ISAM"

  • Hi,

    Please follow the following link

    Raunak J

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