SSIS Update multiple column values

  • Hi ya,

    I have scenario to update the columns with proper case. Written a SQL server function which returns a proper case string. Can you please tell me how to pass column values dynamically to the function and update columns in SSIS.

    Non-Proper Case:

    CSchoolSCHOOL main

    Required Output:

    CSchoolSchool Main

    Best Regards,

  • Need a little more information.
    Are you trying to correct the data in a data flow in SSIS. i.e. are you looking at doing this change between a data source task and a data destination task?

    1.My preferred method for this type of thing is to load the data as is to a staging table using a data flow task.
    Then write a stored procedure that selects the data from staging as you want to see it.
    Then add a second data flow task - this will use the stored procedure as the data source and your target table as the destination task.

    2.Alternatively (and I think it is less maintainable is a script component)


  • Hi Ells,

    Yes, you're correct I'm trying to correct within SSIS. The data is already in staging tables and there is a function which will return us the string in a proper case.

  • Ok
    so with the next data flow task your data source will be an OLE DB data source querying like ..
            [dbo].[fn_capitalize](Name) AS Name,
    from [AdventureWorks2012].[dbo].[EmployeeList]

    Then use OLE DB Destination Task to put the data into the destination table.


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