SSIS Tasks are running backwards!

  • Hi Guys,

    I am trying to copy the steps in the article "Hello SSIS World, From XML!" by Stan Kulp on 04/13/2010. I am trying to import an XML file of Federal legislators from SunLight Labs into a SQL Server 2005 table to be used in an ASP.NET website. I'm using SQL 2005 because that is the version on the production web server. I placed all the tasks into the project and edited them as explained in the article. When I try to execute the Package by double clicking the DTSX, the tasks seem to run in reverse order! The "Loop thru and Shred XML Records Container" and "Insert Record into Staging Table" is first, followed by the "Read XML File" and lastly the "Truncate Staging Table". What the heck is going on?

    I have attached screen shots of the Execution Order, the Control Flow and the Read XML. Can anyone tell me what is happening here?

    Thanks for any help...I am stuck. I was hoping this would be the easiest part.

  • A quick look at the packageexecution.jpg appears to contradict your assertion.. while they are listed in reverse order the start and end times seem to indicate that it is being executed in the correct order. I would chalk this up to SSIS not being very clear about what it is doing when.. But look a the times I think that will show what I mean..


  • Thanks Eliot,

    Yes I see that now.

    I guess it now comes down to tracking the reason for the error:

    "Variable User::xmlRecords does not contain a valid object."

    I think that object was supposed to be the Recordset generated by Read XML File data task. Although expanding the rest of the execution results indicates that 451 records were read.

    I will look more closely to see what else might be amiss.

    Thanks again.

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