SSIS: SQL SERVER ---> Dynamic CSV File... Need Font Size Changes and Bold in CSV

  • I have created the following Package:

    Source: SQL Server

    Destination: CSV

    And the Destination is Dynamic CSV(Daily a file is created with name of todays date).

    Every thing is fine with the Package.But, I need the Header in the CSV File(First Row in CSV) should be bold and should change the font size.

    I tried to modify the XML Code, but i didnt get any clue how to use it.

    Thanks in Advance.

    Deepak N

  • [font="Comic Sans MS"]

    CSV files are for tabular representation of data - not for text highlighting. It's equivalent of : select * from tablename ...

    If you need your data to be highlighted - use excel as destination. Prepare a template and use ETL package to copy from the template excel (which already has the formatting - bold heading etc) and populate the data ..


    [font="Comic Sans MS"]--

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