SSIS Solution Connection Configurations Question

  • I am fairly new to the SSIS. I have created simple packages in the past, but now I have a new a little bit more advanced project.

    I am recreating old SQL 2000 DTS packages in one BIDS solution. Everything is pretty straight forward until it comes to configuring the connection to be available through different environments (test, prod, valid, etc)

    Is it possible to have one centralized Data Source connection to be used across the board in all the packages in the solution, have it configured by configuration manager to point to the db need, and how to distribute it to the server's stored packages?

    Also, I have realized that you can create a connection in the package "from the Data Source", but as I was experimenting with it, it doesn't look like configurations update the Initial Catalog when changed.

    I found many articles on how to setup the configurations on the single package, but couldn't find anything when you have multiple packages in one solution.

    Any suggestions or links are appreciated.

    Thank you!

  • I have realized that when creating a new connection within the package, there is an option "New Connection from Data Source", however when creating a package configuration and telling it to change the Initial Catalog or ConnectionString to a new Database on the same server, it does not change the properties. It points to the same Database that DataSource was originally created with.

    Any thoughts?


  • How do you check if the initial catalog has changed or not?

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