SSIS script task read from Active directory about cannot change password

  • I am working on a Script task that pulls AD info to a SQl table. So far many attribures I pulled from AD work fine.

    But for PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE attribute in UserAccessControl, I always get the value of 0 meaning false. Help please

    bool CannotChangePassword = false;

    const int UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE = 0x0040;

    if (Convert.ToBoolean(flags & UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE))


    CannotChangePassword = true; // cannot get to here




    CannotChangePassword = false; //always return false



  • Hi,

    Could you try to debug and see what integer value you get in flags for PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE. Also, try to declare int32 instead of int.



  • I am trying use the first part of the code as solution,

    but found out com object does not work well in SSIS code.

    Any way to convert the code and avoid using activeds reference?


  • or use windows provider: this is the vb code,

    could you help to convert it to c# code?


    Function UserCannotChangePassword(strDomain As String, strUser As String, strUserCred As String, strPassword As String) As Boolean

    UserCannotChangePassword = False

    Dim oUser As IADs

    strPath = "WinNT://" + strDomain + "/" + strUser

    If "" <> strUserCred Then

    Dim dso As IADsOpenDSObject

    ' Bind to the group with the specified user name and password.

    Set dso = GetObject("WinNT:")

    Set oUser = dso.OpenDSObject(strPath, strUserCred, strPassword, 1)


    ' Bind to the group with the current credentials.

    Set oUser = GetObject(strPath)

    End If

    If (oUser.Get("userFlags") And ADS_UF_PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE) <> 0 Then

    UserCannotChangePassword = True


    UserCannotChangePassword = False

    End If

    End Function

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