SSIS Parallel package execution with Mysql Remote Server

  • Hi All, I am using Sql Server 2012,I want to run all my SSIS packages parallel, So

    I created one package for 10 databases and another package for another 10 databases like ..all 5 packages to retrieve data from Mysql remote server to Local staging,when I start calling of all the child packages from Master package, I am getting below error..please suggest me what to do.

    [Extraction Ledger source [336]] Error: ADO NET Source has failed to acquire the connection {C17133A0-DB59-4412-9F6E-CE86A4995028} with the following error message: "ERROR [08S01] [MySQL][ODBC 5.2(a) Driver]Lost connection to MySQL server at 'waiting for initial communication packet', system error: 10060".

    I am successive when I call 2 or 3 child packages from master, but how about to call all 5 child packages from master parallel

  • try two plackages run parallel.

    because right now u got error was connection related error.whenever totrying connecting multiple connection same database then connection error will come.

    Excution1: P1->P2

    Excution2: p3->p4->p5

  • tibco29 (8/24/2013)

    I am successive when I call 2 or 3 child packages from master, but how about to call all 5 child packages from master parallel

    The solutions seems quite simple: don't run them all in parallel. Run at most 2 at the time.

    Better a succeeding package that is a bit slower, than a fast failing package.

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  • Thank for response,let me try.

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