SSIS package version control

  • All those files except the suo and user files

  • Thank you Matt.

  • Hi, We're also using SVN and wan't to know if there is any possibility that the merge function would work for a dtsx file modified by 2 developers. I can't imagine there would be any way that a source control could integrate 2 sets of mods to a dtsx with the pipeline relying so heavily on the stored meta-data and lineage ID's, it would have to map lineage ID's on a merge and that would be crazy.


  • I haven't played a ton with dtsx files. I do know that rdl files it's a huge pain. Since files are appended from the top, merging is a nightmare. Assuming dtsx files appending at the bottom, it should be easier. As a rule, we currently don't allow two developers to work on the same dtsx file.

  • Matt Horton (5/1/2008)

    You can search for previous versions through SVN, but SQL server doesn't store previous versions as far as I am aware.

    We also use SVN and use its keyword substitution features to populate the VersionComment property of each package to add version control information. That way it is possible to see what revision of a package has been deployed to each environment.

    And I wouldn't try merging dtsx files using any source code system. We treat them like binary files and use SVN locks to prevent two developers from working on the same package at once.

  • And I wouldn't try merging dtsx files using any source code system. We treat them like binary files and use SVN locks to prevent two developers from working on the same package at once.

    We also do this, and it works great.

  • daphneds (10/20/2009)

    And I wouldn't try merging dtsx files using any source code system. We treat them like binary files and use SVN locks to prevent two developers from working on the same package at once.

    We also do this, and it works great.

    Agreed, I've done it with VSS and TFS primarily and I never try to do a merge.. All in, all out..


  • daphneds (10/20/2009)

    And I wouldn't try merging dtsx files using any source code system. We treat them like binary files and use SVN locks to prevent two developers from working on the same package at once.

    We also do this, and it works great.

    Hmmm? Can I assume that by "We also do this", that you mean that you also use SVN prevent more than one developer from editing the same DTSX at the same time? As opposed to "We also" merge DTSX files (which seems like an impossible nightmare)?

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  • VSS

  • Where is the version comment property? How do you access this from a package deployed as a sql deployment?

    thanks, tom

  • The following tool, while built for versioning entire SQL Sever (and works with SourceSafe, Subversion and TFS) - also does SSIS packages:

  • yonision (12/8/2009)

    The following tool, while built for versioning entire SQL Sever (and works with SourceSafe, Subversion and TFS) - also does SSIS packages:

    What does this do for SSIS that subversion doesn't?

  • It simply relieves you of the responsibility of maintaining it. you work on your SSIS packages, whenever you change anything, the history is added into subversion. you dont need to do anything, youre free to focus on your work, knowing that the history is always there in your repository. see?

  • No I don't see. When does it commit? on every save? If so that's a problem since we can only commit a buildable working version.

    Red Gate is coming out with a similar product for Management Studio that integrates with Subversion. This will allow us to version all our stored procedures, views, triggers, udf's ect...

    We are part of the beta group, can't wait.

  • We're starting to use TortoiseSVN and it seems to work well. Previously we just made backup copies in the filesystem. We don't so anything fancy - no solutions or projects, just individual DTSX files.

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