SSIS pacakge runs fine but SQL server job that runs package fails

  • I have a pacakge taht runs fine in the SSISDB but when i schedule it fails saying unable to access the folder : c:\usersame\abcd.xml

    I knowthat the caller of the job and owner of the job is not same . How will i know which is working?

    Also what kind of permissions can i give to that folder?

  • When running as an Agent Job, the user that the SQL Server Agent is running on needs access (and any other rights it might need) to that folder. If you're unsure which user it's running, you can check in your Sql Server Configuration Manager.

    Check the account it's running under, and then grant that user permissions to the folders your interacting with.

    When you run a task via the SSISDB, the task will run under your credentials, not the Agent's, so it's quite likely that you and the account do have different permissions.

    If that doesn't work, post back here.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Thank you for the reply. I solved it by changing the Sql server service agent service to run as local servcie account in configurationManager. Since i am testing on local , i was easily able to go and change the Service account. But what if I deploy the package on the development server?

  • In a development, or production, environment you should really be running the SQL Services under a proper network login. They don't need to be the same across the board (Agent and SQL Server could be different accounts for example), but it means you can set their permissions properly and it can authenticate to other places on your network.

    Running the services under an NT Authority account will mean that the server only has access to limited areas of the Computer it is running on, and won't be able to authenticate to anywhere else within the network.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

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