SSIS multiple Excel Files import to DB

  • I am trying to do a simple multiple Excel Files import to DB using SSIS.

    The data flow task with a single excel files works fine. When I add the for each loop, it get the error"Could not find installable ISAM". This is when I use the Excel Connection and changing the connectionstring to the dynamic variable from the for each loop. When I use the excelfile path , it also fails.

    I am following the instructions from teh microsoft msdn site as below. Both user variables are defines correctly as well.

    connectionstring = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + @[User::ExcelFile] + ";Extended Properties=\"" + @[User::ExtProperties] + "\""

    There is a smilar questin on this forum But for me it does not work either.

    I tried the same with a flat file instead of a excel and excel connection manager, it works fine.

    Any pointers will be very helpful

  • Hi,

    I see your post is very old, were you able to resolve this issue ?

    For Each file works fine for me. Just checking if you follow same steps as I do. This is what I do, When I establish excel connection in Connection manager I first define path of Excel. In Expression I set it to variable which holds information on fileName. I set variable values in Foreachloop container.

    Hope this helps :-).


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