SSIS - MOVE File with File Sysyem Task

  • Hi there,

    Simply want to move a .BAK file from one location to the other.

    .BAK starts in the following location - \\mhsvi-mgmt03\e$\oneserve_DW\ExportFromOneserve

    The destination that I want it to end up is - E:\Oneserve Datacut (This is the E:\ where the SSIS is running from)

    A variable called bakfile has been created = MHS_DataCut_PROD.bak

    Two paramters exsist = destinationpath = E:\Oneserve Datacut\

    = sourcepath = \\mhsvi-mgmt03\e$\oneserve_DW\ExportFromOneserve\

    Two File Sources exsist which uses the following expressions -

    Backup File Source = @[$Project::sourcepath] + @[User::bakfile]

    Backup File Destination = @[$Project::destinationpath] + @[User::bakfile]

    When I add a File System task to my SSIS and simply copy the file it completes fine.

    But when I change it to errors??? It has the exact same connection source and destination I don't understand why the error simply tells me in the Execution Results -

    [File System Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Could not find a part of the path.".

    Can't for the life of me understand why

  • Just worked it out - - I don't need to call the filename in my destination - just the path.


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