SSIS logging strategy

  • Hi folks,

    I can't decide whether I had a good idea or if this is some kludge to be avoided.

    I'm curious if anyone can point out why it would be preferable to log in the package itself.

    DECLARE @SessionID int

    DECLARE @SSISLogging TABLE (SSISMessage nvarchar(2048))

    DECLARE @Package varchar(160)

    DECLARE @PackageStatus int

    SET @SessionID = 1 --I use other logic here to increment the sessionid each time I call my procedure

    SET@ Package = 'MyPackage'

    --Call the package while also inserting the package execution logs into table @SSISLogging


    EXEC @PackageStatus = xp_cmdshell @Package

    --Insert the message and other variables into my final logs table

    INSERT INTO MyLoggingTable






    FROM @SSISLogging

    Constructive or destructive thoughts welcome...

  • Well, it seems like a lot of extra work to capture this. Why is the looging available in SSIS not adequate?

    And, xp_cmdshell is one of the features that fall into the category "Just becasue you can doesn't mean you should"

    My two cents.

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • I'm faced with dozens of deployed packages that do not have logging enabled. So this would replace the need to modify lots of packages.

    So I realize that accepted best practice is to do the logging in the package but that didn't happen...

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