SSIS Logging: Difference between Basic and Performace Logging

  • Dear all,

    In the past I was using basic logging in my SQL Jobs that runed the SSIS packages.

    With basic log I was getting more infromation that I needed (several events not necessary).

    For me I just wanted to know the errors and the warnings. Based on that I have changed my logging level from basic to None.

    None logs the errors and the (till the task level) but does not log the error description so udnefortunately I cannot use thislogging level.

    I have now changed from None to Performace and I am able to  receive the error description till task level as I wanted.

    I believe that logging  (using the non costum methodas) is progressing as:

    None  - > Performance -> Basic - > Verbose, etc..

    So, Performance logs less infromation then Basic.

    I was trying to unöderstand what is the exact diference between basic and performance but I am not able throguh the description in :

    Can someone help me understand?

    Thank you

  • river1 - Thursday, January 25, 2018 7:57 AM

    Dear all,

    In the past I was using basic logging in my SQL Jobs that runed the SSIS packages.

    With basic log I was getting more infromation that I needed (several events not necessary).

    For me I just wanted to know the errors and the warnings. Based on that I have changed my logging level from basic to None.

    None logs the errors and the (till the task level) but does not log the error description so udnefortunately I cannot use thislogging level.

    I have now changed from None to Performace and I am able to  receive the error description till task level as I wanted.

    I believe that logging  (using the non costum methodas) is progressing as:

    None  - > Performance -> Basic - > Verbose, etc..

    So, Performance logs less infromation then Basic.

    I was trying to unöderstand what is the exact diference between basic and performance but I am not able throguh the description in :

    Can someone help me understand?

    Thank you

    Still I haven't implemented a practical demonstration on this area, I'll let you know once I've done a test implementation on all types.

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