SSIS Logging

  • Hello,

    Hopefully not asking a repeat here but I can't seem to find any info on this.

    Is it possible to change the events that are logged at runtime?

    For example, I have SQL logging to the syslogdts90 table, with OnError and OnTaskFailed. Now say some errors are occuring, and I want some more events captured. I can't see how to do this without changing them in the package and redeploying.

    Optionally I guess I could have multiple connections, one for debugging and one for logging. I do see where you can set the connections at runtime, but even it that's possible it would include going back through and changing many packages.



  • [font="Comic Sans MS"]This is an excellent question - and as usual I do not have answer to this . May I add a little more here to the question:

    Can type of logging be configured through configuration file? For example - a flag in config file would enable or disable the SSIS log provider for text file.


    I guess - with a script compont (that simulates SSIS log provider for text file) we can achieve this. But is there a way out to use existing native capabilities?[/font]

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]--

  • Go to SSIS on the menu, then Logging. After a moment, a popup window will appear.

    Look at the Details tab, plus the Containers list to the left. This is how you choose what events you log and don't log.

    Help file in Books Online is "logs [Integration Services], event log entries."

    EDIT: Guess I should have read the original post better. I'm sure you can set up these events with a boolean flag (0/1) in a config file, then change the config files as necessary. I've just never done it myself, so I couldn't tell you which options in the config file to use.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • sabyasm (11/23/2009)

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]Can type of logging be configured through configuration file? For example - a flag in config file would enable or disable the SSIS log provider for text file.[/font]

    Open your config file. Look at the PROPERTIES section of the list. LoggingMode is an option.

    I don't know what options to put in there. Books Online or TechNet, I'm sure, can assist with that. However, it is possible to switch almost anything on and off through a config file. I've done it with other things.

    Personally, I prefer not to use SSIS native logging. I run my packages through an Agent job using an OS Command Line, then log all the details to a text file (Advanced tab of the job step), and check "Include step output in History."

    This gives me a detailed record of how the job worked so I can see both success & failure. Also, I feel this variant is more verbose as to the actual error causes than native SSIS logging.

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog:[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • I did a quick look and played with the config file, logging mode seems to be a boolean and after enabling logging and trying to get it into the config file the only thing I could get was the logging provider but not what it wanted to log. I don't see a way to do this without modifying the package programatically. If someone has a better answer I would love to hear it..


  • We run a few dozen packages daily via SQL Agent. I enable logging to SQL Server (sysdtslog90 table) using the "Logging" tab on the job step. I believe this captures all logging events. I clear this table daily before processing begins for the day. In my case I see no value in maintaining this data if the job has run successfully.

  • It will capture any events it is configured to capture.. I think the original poster wanted to add some additional events at runtime..


  • When I enable logging using the logging tab in the SQL Agent, I don't have to configure anything - it captures everything you would see in the Progress tab in BIDS.

    I guess my point is, why not just capture everything, use what you want and throw the rest away.

  • Thanks so much for all the suggestions. If I find anything out I'll post back.

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