SSIS list file names in directory

  • Hello All,

    I am trying to create an SSIS package that will look at a directory, get a list of all the file names in the directory, and enter them into a table. Any advice to accomplish this?



  • Use a foreach loop container. This can be used to iterate through files in a folder. In each iteration of the loop, the foreach loop container will assign the filename to a variable. You can then use that variable in an execute sql task to insert the file name into a table.

  • OK. I'm familiar with using a for each loop to process all the files in a directory, such as importing flat files into a table. But I'm not familiar with only putting the file names into a variable. Can you provide more information on how to do that?


  • If you've got a lot of files in your folder, it will probably be more efficient to run a dir statement (or the equivalent in VB or Powershell or your favourite language) to get a list of all files in the folder, and insert that list into your table in one go.


  • Thanks. There is an average of about 15,000 files in that directory so I went the way of writing a c# script and having it gather all the file names and put them into a txt file that I then use to compare the sql table.

    Thanks for the brainstorming.

  • Can you send me the code how you accomplish that?

    Thank you

    Srikanth Kota

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