SSIS, For Variable Lock

  • I am using one varible in the script task and put it in the varible list in REadwriteVaribale list.

    Now I used the same varible in the another Script task in the Event handler of coming Execute SQL task. I am getting eroor that I cannot read the varable that is already locked and it can be locked once.

    Please help me if anyone knows.

  • ammit.it2006 (3/19/2009)

    I am using one varible in the script task and put it in the varible list in REadwriteVaribale list.

    Now I used the same varible in the another Script task in the Event handler of coming Execute SQL task. I am getting eroor that I cannot read the varable that is already locked and it can be locked once.

    Please help me if anyone knows.

    Try not to use ReadWriteVariable, but manually lock-unlock using the VariableDispenser object.

    SSIS Tasks Components Scripts Services |

  • hi,

    Lock the variable which we want to write and also use the reset the variabledispenser once your writing has been done.


  • Thanks For support.

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