SSIS - Export table data to flat file

  • Hi,

    I have a requirement of exporting the table data into a flat file (.csv format) with each of the files containing only 5000 records each. If the table has 10000 records then it has to create 2 files with 5000 records each. Could you please help me how to achieve this using SSIS?

    I have tried BCP command for the above mentioned logic. Can this be done using Data Flow Task?

    Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  • I think you are using SQL Server as source database.

    Use below approach to solve this:



    , (ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT NULL))) % 2 AS bucket


    SourceTable AS st;

    That query will pull back all of your data plus assign a monotonically increasing number from 1 to ROWCOUNT which we will then apply the modulo (remainder after dividing) operator to. By modding the generated value by 8 guarantees us that we will only get values from 0 to 1, endpoints inclusive.

    You might start to get twitchy about the different number bases (base 0, base 1) being used here, I know I am.

    Connect your source to a Conditional Split. Use the bucket column to segment your data into different streams. I would propose that you map bucket 1 to File 1, bucket 2 to File 2... finally with bucket 0 to file n. That way, instead of everything being a stair step off, I only have to deal with end point alignment.

    Connect each stream to a Flat File Destination.

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