SSIS Execution & VBA

  • Hi Guys

    I have a simple module in an Access 2002 Db -

    Declarations -

    Dim pkgLocation As String

    Dim pkg As New Package

    Dim app As New DTSLib.Application

    Dim pkgResults As DTSExecResult

    Dim pkgContainer As IDTSContainer90

    MODULE -

    pkgLocation = "\\ABCD\DlyTrans.dtsx"

    Set pkg = app.LoadPackage(pkgLocation, True, Nothing)

    Set pkgContainer = pkg

    'pkgContainer.Variables("var1") = 0

    pkgResults = pkg.Execute()

    The package is simple.

    Data Flow task

    OLE DB Source (SQL Server 2005 DB )

    I have SQL Command text with i query in it.

    What i would like to do is change the SQL within the package through my vba code.

    So I'm looking for logic like this:

    pkgContainer.SQLCommandText = "SELECT ABC FROM MyTable"

    (NOTE: - I made up the property here called SQLCommandText)

    Can this be done in some manner???

    Thanks in advance for looking.


  • Can you base your package on a view and then change your view through VBA.

    DoCmd.RunSQL "ALTER VIEW...

  • Other possibilities include package configurations or maybe calling DTEXEC and using the SET parameter to dynamically set a variable

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