ssis doubts

  • i have one package that package scheduled by daily 6 am but the job is failed at saturday.the what i need to do where we go how to resolve

  • Step 1: Understand the cause of failure

    Step 2: Take precautionary measures, if the error occurs again

    Step 3: Relax 🙂

    Raunak J

  • OK here is what we do. Use Event Handler for the package to send email using sql server (if it is configured):

    Here is the code you can paste into a sql task.

    DECLARE @MSG AS VarChar(2000)

    DECLARE @CrLf AS Char(2)

    DECLARE @Subject VarChar(200)

    SET @CrLf = Char(13) + Char(10)

    SET @Subject = 'FAILURE - ' + @PackageName

    SET @MSG = @PackageName + ' failure. ' + @CrLf +

    'This message was triggered by Event Handler processing for the OnError event. ' + @CrLf +

    'Here information from the system variables: ' + @CrLf +

    'MachineName (System) : ' + @MachineName + @CrLf +

    'TaskName : ' + @TaskName + @CrLf +

    'SourceName : ' + @SourceName + @CrLf +

    'SourceDescription : ' + @SourceDescription + @CrLf +

    'ErrorCode : ' + @errorcode + @CrLf +

    'ErrorDescription : ' + @ErrorDescription + @CrLf +

    'EventHandler Trigger Time : ' + @ErrorTime

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail




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