SSIS Derived column IF..ELSE condition

  • I have a column WEEK which is VARCHAR and has values like 201112,201135 in which last two characters represend the week I need to create a derived column NEW_WEEK in such a way that

    if (cast( SUBSTRING( WEEK,5,2) as int)>=1 AND cast( SUBSTRING( WEEK,5,2) as int)<=17)

    Then NEW_WEEK=( cast( SUBSTRING( WEEK,5,2) as int)+17)

    ELSE (cast( SUBSTRING( WEEK,5,2) as int)-17)

    I am using following expression..

    (((DT_I4) SUBSTRING( WEEK,5,2)>=1) && ((DT_I4) SUBSTRING( WEEK,5,2)<=17))?((DT_I4) SUBSTRING( WEEK,5,2)+35):((DT_I4) SUBSTRING( WEEK,5,2)-17))

    Can somebody tell me whats wrong in it?

    I also tried..

    IIF((DT_I4) [SUBSTRING( CALWEEK,5,2)]>=1 && (DT_I4) [SUBSTRING( CALWEEK,5,2)]<=17) then ((DT_I4) [SUBSTRING( CALWEEK,5,2)]+35) else ((DT_I4) [SUBSTRING( CALWEEK,5,2)]-17))

    its also not working 🙁

  • What do you mean by 'not working'? Wrong result, or error? If error, please post the error.

    Have you considered doing this in T-SQL as part of your select?

  • Following expression worked at last..

    (DT_I4) SUBSTRING( WEEK,5,2) >=1 && (DT_I4) SUBSTRING( WEEK,5,2) <= 17 ? (DT_I4) (SUBSTRING( WEEK,5,2))+ 35 : (DT_I4) (SUBSTRING( WEEK,5,2))-17

    Thanks Deepak

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