SSIS, derived column, flat file date conversion

  • I have a comma delimited flat file as input to a package I am developing.  It has a date column that looks like this  10/08/16
    I want to convert it to a database date format.  Here is my expression, but the leading 0 is not appearing in the month and/or day.
    (DT_DBDATE)((DT_STR,2,1252)"20" + (SUBSTRING(ServiceDate,7,2) + "-" + RIGHT(REPLICATE("0",2) + (DT_STR,2,1252)SUBSTRING(ServiceDate,1,2),2) + "-" + RIGHT(REPLICATE("0",2) + SUBSTRING(ServiceDate,4,2),2)))



  • I think your code is working as you need it to, it seems to convert "10/08/16" into a column of DT_DBDATE datatype, which be inserted into an SQL destination DATE column without problem.

    Casting the result of the expression you've included to a string (or viewing it in a data viewer) displays it for me without the leading 0 as you're describing, but you don't need to do that to insert into a database DATE column.

    If you do want the column in the locale-specific string format with the leading 0, I'm unaware of any CONVERT/FORMAT equivalent in SSIS - I would do something like the below, or string manipulation on the result of the expression you've given.

    (MONTH([ServiceDateDTDATE]) < 10 ? "0" : "") + (DT_STR,10,1252)MONTH([ServiceDateDTDATE]) + "/" + (DT_STR,10,1252)DAY([ServiceDateDTDATE]) + "/" + (DT_STR,10,1252)YEAR([ServiceDateDTDATE])
    Note that I'm not an expert in SSIS, so the above comes without warranty, and I'll be watching this thread myself 😉.

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