SSIS "Derived Column"

  • I have mapping like this


    NAMETWOVarchar (50)NAMEVarchar(30)

    Source table field (NAMEONE, NAMETWO) MAPPING WITH ONE destination field (NAME).

    First How i can map through ssis.

    Second other field called "Nametype"

    IF the data coming from "Nameone" Nametype should be "1"

    If the data coming from "Nametwo" Nametype should be "2"

    I know i can done in "Derived column" But some 1 help me with "Expression" Thanks in advance.

  • Can you give maybe two or three examples of what NAMEONE and NAMETWO might contain and what you would like NAME to contain for each?

    Regarding NameType - does that mean that either NAMEONE or NAMETWO will be populated, but not both within the same source row?

  • Thanks for reply!.

    There is two different fields in my source table

    Nameone Nametwo


    JIm Blank

    Jennifer SUE

    1) How i can map these two fields with my target table field "Name" I believe i can't use [Nameone]+[Nametwo] m right? any suggestion?

    2) Other field in target table called "Nametype" If the data is coming from "Nameone" Nametype should be "N1"1, and if the data is coming from "Nametwo" Nametype should be "N2"

    How i can do through SSIS?

  • I am sorry i forget to add something. In the target table there are few fields has "Nameone" and "Nametwo" , some of them has only "Nameone" and some as only "Nametwo".

  • You have managed to provide sample data without illuminating things much.

    If your sample data is really


    how do you know where Nameone ends and where Nametwo begins? There does not appear to be a column delimiter.

    You can concatenate fields with a derived column and then map the derived column to your 'Name' destination.

    As you did not answer my question about nametype, I shall not answer yours.

    You have mentioned that your target table contains 'Name', but then in your next post you say that '..few fields has "Nameone" and "Nametwo" ' - this does not make sense to me - why would you have Name, Nameone and Nametwo in your target table?

  • I am really sorry about confusion. Let me try to explain one more time. I have source "Flat file" called

    "Nameone" "Nametwo" and so on.

    I wana map these two fields with target table Field called "Name"

    First question "How i can map two column with one target field. I can't concatenate in derived column. If source data like this "FirstName", "LastName" i can concatenate and map with target table field"Name"

    Our company business related to Real State, so there is land under two name "Nameone" and "Nametwo.

    Second Question. One field in target table called "Nametype". If the data is coming from "Nameone" Nametype should be "1" or "Owner" and if the data is coming from "Nametwo" Nametype should be "2" or "Owner2".

    Please let me know if i explain you right and let me if you have any question. I really want to fix this problem ASAP. Once again thanks for your reply and your time.

  • I cannot help you because I still do not understand, I'm sorry.

    You started the thread with a source table containing two fields:

    Source table field (NAMEONE, NAMETWO) MAPPING WITH ONE destination field (NAME).

    and yet your previous post talks of multiple source files:

    I have source "Flat file" called "Nameone" "Nametwo" and so on.

    All you needed to do to make us understand was provide accurate sample data.

  • I am sorry i think its my mistake, Could you please tell me which part you didn't understand yet?

    Below statement are my actual question.

    "Source table field (NAMEONE, NAMETWO) MAPPING WITH ONE destination field (NAME)".

    How i can map in SSIS?

    Or you want to see actual source data?

    "Disregard the below statement, Below statement is saying my source table has "Nameone",Nametwo",IpNUmber", "Address",Zip","City" these fields.

    I have source "Flat file" called "Nameone" "Nametwo" and so on.

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