SSIS clipboard copy does not maintain layout

  • Hi , I am combining smaller SSIS packages into a large central one. Each time I copy a package to the large one the original layout is lost and I therefore have to manually fix up the layout. Does anyone know a way of maintaining the layout ?

    Also, I thought if I selected the objects that needed prettying up and go Format\Auto Layout\ Diagram just those objects would be re-aligned but this functionality seems to imapct the whole package (not just the selected objects).

    thanks for any help.

  • I don't believe there is such an option.. It would be great but I've never seen any such thing..


  • thats a shame as it means a lot extra fiddly work 🙁

  • got to agree here, Im busy with a lot of copy and paste, and was checking Google for a work around and got to this post. M$ response seems that the layout in SSIS is working and doesn't need any improvement.

    Well they are wrong and if I think about other ETL tools, they dont have this really poor interface for the developers

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