SSIS Catalog / Connection Managers with Expressions

  • Hopefully I'll explain this to make sense.........

    Trying to help an organization with migrating to using SSIS Catalog.
    In their current packages, they have Connection Managers with Expressions for  InitialCatalog  and  ServerName .
    One of the goals is to eliminate using   Config Files  that have the values for the variables used in the expressions.

    I can make variables in the Catalogs Environment, but can't see how to have the system use those.
    When I deploy the package, the  Initial Catalog  and  Server Name are not Properties you can alter (since they have Expressions on them).
    ConnectionString is visable and can be altered, but my testing has shown the Expression values trump whatever changes you make to the ConnectionString.

    I know I can go into an Agent job and do an  Override Property and alter the package variable.
    But, we/they want to do something on a global level so there's only one location these need to be altered, which the Catalog Environment variable seems the best place.

    The only thing I can think of it to remove the  Expressions  in the packages so they become visable in the Catalog and can be altered.

    I am wondering of there is some other method from where things are now (basically not having to alter each existing package) that can accomplish migrating into the
    Catalog world, but not requiring changing the existing packages too much.


  • Sounds like what you want to use is a package parameter, rather than a variable. Then, prior to execution, you can define the value of that parameter. That will, however, require a little bit of changing of the package(s) I'm afraid.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Yeah, I played around with that and know that's an option.

    I know I can get it to's really a question of how to do it with the least impact to their current setup.

    Maybe another way to ask there a way to get a Catalog's Environment variable applied to a variable that's in the package?
    I don't see there's a way to do that..........again, I know a Property override on the Agent job can be done to the package variable, but trying to avoid that.


  • Does anyone know why does the  InitialCatalog and ServerName  info ovverride the  ConnectionString ?
    Must be some prioritization of how the system applies properties.

    Is there a way to have the ConnectionString take priority?  Since it is exposed in the Catalog I can control its setting.
    My testing has just shown that it doesn't matter what it is set to when there are Expressions on the InitialCatalog and ServerName in the package.

  • doughora - Thursday, July 19, 2018 8:23 AM

    Yeah, I played around with that and know that's an option.

    I know I can get it to's really a question of how to do it with the least impact to their current setup.

    Maybe another way to ask there a way to get a Catalog's Environment variable applied to a variable that's in the package?
    I don't see there's a way to do that..........again, I know a Property override on the Agent job can be done to the package variable, but trying to avoid that.


    You could add an Expression in the package to set the value of the variable to the parameter's value.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • doughora - Thursday, July 19, 2018 8:23 AM

    Yeah, I played around with that and know that's an option.

    I know I can get it to's really a question of how to do it with the least impact to their current setup.

    Maybe another way to ask there a way to get a Catalog's Environment variable applied to a variable that's in the package?
    I don't see there's a way to do that..........again, I know a Property override on the Agent job can be done to the package variable, but trying to avoid that.


    Only via a Project or Package Parameter. Variables are encapsulated within the package. Just like you can't set the value of a variable in a stored procedure in T-SQL, only the parameters, the same applies to packages within SSISDB. The Parameters might then define the value of a variable, but that's the Stored Procedure/Package doing that, not the user executing it.


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Here is how I do it.
    Once the projects are added to the catalog, add the Environments i.e. PROD, TEST
    Right click on the packages and select CONFIGURE, SELECT REFERENCE and add the environments
    Add a project.param CALLED Environment, data type = string, required = true, PUT PROD/TEST as the value (this is good for unit testing, the sql agent job will tell it what to use)
    ADD parameter for a Server variable
    ADD parameter for a Database variable
    ADD Expressions to these variables with server name, database name
    Database expression:
    Server expression:
    Create a OLE Connection
    Click on properties, create an expression for Connection String
    "Data Source=" + @[User::Server variable]  + ";Initial Catalog=" + @[User::Database variable]  + ";Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;"
    Set a JOB, add a step to run the package
    Package Source = SSIS Catalog
    Server = put in name of catalog server
    Choose appropriate authentication
    select the package using the ... fro the catalog
    CLICK ON Configuration
    SELECT Checkbox for environment, select which one you want to use

    That's the abbreviated version

  • Sorry meant variable:
    ADD variable for a Server variable
    ADD variable for a Database variable

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