SSIS Books?

  • Can someone recommend a good book for SSIS 2005? I need to convert all my DTS packages from SQL 2000 to SQL 2005 or SQL 2008 and some of the packages are pretty complicated. I'm the DBA for our company and this has fallen on me to convert all the packages. Any good books for a beginner in SSIS? Thanks!

  • I still consider myself a newby too and have been learning SSIS from our online peers and books. I found the WROX series for SSIS 2005 to be very helpful as far as books go.

    That being said there is a unmeasurable about of lessons learned on this site with real world application as opposed to adventure works.mdb examples.

    Hope that helps,


  • Professional SQL Server 2005 Integration Services published by Wrox is a pretty good book to get you started. They also have an Expert SQL Server 2005 Integration Services too, but I haven't read through that book yet. I know there are several other books but that is the one I own and have used myself to get started.

  • I have both Professional SSIS (mentioned above) and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services by Kirk Haselden.

    Both are good. I'd say Professional SSIS is a better beginner book as it is more example driven/learn by doing where Haselden's is more of a reference book.

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