SSIS and FTP Task

  • Hi,

    I am using FTP task to transfer zip file from ftp to remote desination folder.The task excutes and transfers file

    But have issues and problems

    1. The ftp task is allways in execution mode even though file is transferred(color is allways yellow never return to green)

    2. File size copied is different from the one in ftp(The file transferred across to the destination folder is the correct one )

    please suggest me on how to resolve this


  • This means the process of FTP Task is not complete.

    The task is in process. This happens sometimes when the connectivity is low. How long did you let it run that task and what is size of the file.


  • Thanks for the reply,

    I went and checked manually in destination folder,the file transfer is complete with in 15mins.I comparing sizes i assume that file transfer is complete(but the file size is more than what is in ftp)

    The task never ends,ran it for a long time(never turned green)

    How to resolve this?


  • Hi,

    You gave me hint,and thanks for the reply everything is soughted now


  • thts grt:-) how did you resolve it...


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