• Hi All!

    I just finished a SQL Server 2008 Cluster install. Our company has does a few of these cluster installs already and this is the first time that SSIS doesn't work. This is what's happening:

    When trying to connect to SSIS I get the below error:

    TITLE: Connect to Server


    Cannot connect to V01.



    Failed to retrieve data for this request. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc)

    For help, click:


    Connect to SSIS Service on machine "V01" failed:

    Access is denied.



    Connect to SSIS Service on machine "V01" failed:

    Access is denied.






    Now let's say that these two servers are named S01 and S02, whenever I'm on the node that SQL Server is currently running on and I try to connect to SSIS ( and SQL are both on S01) I can't connect. But if everything is running on S01 and I'm on S01 and I try to connect to SSIS server S02 it connects and vice versa if SQL(and I) are on S02.

    --I can also connect to SSIS for this server from any other workstation.

    So it seems as if it is only allowing me to remotely connect to SSIS, but not when I'm on the machine hosting SQL Server. But all other servers in-house work fine with same security settings.

    Any ideas?? Thanks

  • Maybe you need to rework the MsDtsSrvr.ini.xml file so SQL knows where to look for the packages

    Just a thought


  • Also, is SSIS installed on both nodes?


  • Hey Andrew, thanks for the reply

    Yes I did change the MsDtsSrvr.ini.xml file and it is installed on both nodes. It works fine

    just not when connecting to SSIS when on the same box that SQL is running. I might just

    uninstall SSIS on both nodes and install it again to see if that works.

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