SSIS 2008

  • Data Flow Task

    -Excel Source

    -Data Conversion

    -Derived Column Transformation

    -Flat File Destination

    My flat file is in Ragged Right format. My columns have been defined and I use the derived column transformation to pad out one of the columns (String type) with zero's to fulfill a total of 18 characters.

    Value before package execution: 1234567892

    Value after execution: 000000001234567892

    How do I split 14 characters from left to right and the remaining 6? Then concatenate after.

    Reason for this is that the example above only padded from left to right b/c the original number was (1234567892). So in a case where I have this value with a decimal 12345.555000 I ultimately want it to look like this 000000012345555000.

  • Try the following expression:

    RIGHT((DT_WSTR,18) "000000000000000000" + REPLACE((DT_WSTR,18) myInputColumn),".",""),18)

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  • Koen,

    I tried the expression RIGHT((DT_WSTR,18)"000000000000000000" + REPLACE(((DT_WSTR,18)[Copy of SHARES]),".",""),18)

    Before I run the package my values are:

    (Note that these values are coming from excel sheet)




    After execution:



    I was hoping to receive:



    Why do you think I'm getting a 001 appended at the end of the decimal position and secondly why are the zero's being dropped from this value 888888.000000. I prefer to keep the zero's.

    Thanks for all your help.

  • The derived column won't magically add "001" to a number.

    My guess is they are already there in the Excel file, but formatting doesn't show it to you.

    About the missing 0's, my guess is 888888 is being read and not 888888.00000.

    Place a data viewer right after your Excel source and inspect the data coming in.

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

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