SSAS+Analyzer 2005

  • I need the history cube(or history data),because I wanna use anylazer 2005 to do some analysis,it needs some data,maybe everyday's data,I wanna automate generate the data and then put them into the analyzer 2005.

    about analyzer 2005(a product of BenQ):

    Analyzer 2005 is a Web application developed completely with Microsoft ASP.NET,which only requires installation on the IIS Server. Other than Internet Explorer, no additional software installation is needed for the client. Many users are surprised to find Analyzer 2005 is a Web application, owing largely to the fact that there is very little postback. Postback is the amount of time it takes from a user to key in data or click a button util the result is returned; the information will pass back to Web Server, which will then calculate, process and generate new Web pages and download the HTML files of the new Web pages back to the client and the display is is refreshed. When many postbacks occur, the execution efficiency of the Web application will be significantly degraded. Most actions the user performs will cause the Web page to be refreshed.

    In Analyzer 2005, the lowest communication layer for “Pivot Table” and “Decision Chart” actions is in MDX format. MDX is used to acquire Cube query results from Analysis Services. Analyzer utilizes DSO objects to obtain Cube related object structures such as dimensional properties, measure information, Cube securities, etc.

    To aceive the best execution speed we utilize OleDb to acquire user query results. In the following, we will illustrate the technical architecture of Analyzer. If you are a technical person, it will help you understand the internal working of Analyzer better. It will assist you in your configuration of Analysis Services. You will undertand the reasons behind the installation of some drivers for IIS Server.

    Interaction with Analysis Services

    In order to fully utilize the information in a Cube, very complex MDX expressions are implemented. Usually only IT personnel and programmers are able to nimbly manipulate MDX expressions. This raises the barrier for the general users in querying Cube data. However, Analyzer uses several proprietary techniques to break down the barrier and allow general users to conveniently access MDX data thourgh an easily manipulative front-end interface. Analyzer achieves this feat through the following:

    Pivot Analysis Front-end Interface

    Users use the Pivot analysis front-end interface provided by Analyzer to select the dimension, measure, etc to query and can set screening, calculation, ordering, user defined members and many more conditions. The retrieved multi-dimensional data can be presented in the front-end interface as Pivot tables or decision charts. Each user specified action (such as a drag-and-drop, drill-down, or drill-through action etc.) is translated into corresponding MDX query expressions by Analyzer. No matter what changes have been made in the front-end interface, the MDX query expressions only retrieve and pass back the needed data to the front-end interface. No matter how huge the size of the data stored in the back-end Cube is, the query results can be retrieved in a minimum amount of time.

     MDX Engine

    The reason that the front-end interface can achieve such a rapid reponse time is due to the MDX engine in Analyzer. The MDX engine is the core of the entire Analyzer system. This core is responsible for system operations and communication with Analysis Services. The major tasks include the translation of front-end interface action into MDX expressions, execution of the MDX expressions through ADO.NET, decomposing the retrieved multi-dimensional data and transforming them into internal data structures used by Analyzer, and finally the rendering and transformation into Web front-end results.

     ADO.NET (OleDb)

    Analyzer uses standard ADO.NET and OleDb to access the internal schema of Analysis Services and to execute MDX. Compared to the latest XMLA or ADOMD.NET techniques, the advantages of ADO.NET with OleDb are the resulting increased execution speed and reduced system resource utilization. Microsoft Office Web Components (OWC) and Reporting Services also use this combination of techniques.

     DSO (Decision Support Object)

    DSO is a programming base provided by Analysis Services for management. It is mainly used to code management programs for Analysis Services. Though it has been shown that using ADO.NET to access the Schema in Analysis Services is the most efficiency, however, some in depth information such as data drill-through and advanced dimensional properties cannot be obtained through ADO.NET. Therefore, Analyzer uses DSO to retrieve certain internal Cube information which cannot be obtained through ADO.NET or ADOMD.NET. That is why Analyzer can showcase all functionalities of Analysis Services in the most effiecient fashion.

    So that is the connecting between Analyzer 2005 and SSAS,my boss wanna me get the History Cube(or History Data)from SSAS,and then put into Analyzer 2005 to do some analysis ,but I don't know how to get the History Cube(or History Data),am I wrong?What I should get from the SSAS,and then how?I feel almost at sea about this task..

    Appriciate for your guys help

    Best rgds,

    Shawn Qiu

  • P.S.:In Analyzer 2005,the Data source are from databases and cubes,for example,I wanna do the analysis of the recently ten days from 15 Aug 2008 to 24 Aug 2008,So I need the days' cubes.but how can I get it automate?


    Shawn Qiu

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