April 1, 2010 at 8:48 am
anyone got a formula to hand for a SUM DISTINCT in MDX?
if i have:-
trade nominal
abc 100
abc 100
abc 100
cde 150
fgh 200
i'm aiming for 100+150+200 = 450
seem to be always getting 650/5=130 or 650/3=216.66
any ideas are welcome
April 8, 2010 at 2:18 am
ok, got this working, although not brilliantly
firstly: whilst there is no DistinctSum, there is a DistinctCount, use this and get it working with the thing you want to DistinctSum to get a
then join your main table to a query that has a primary key of the thing you want to sum (in my case BackOfficeID) and link into it, create a measure on the amount you want
[Measures].[Volume Boid]
this will be far too big, but dividing it (at least a the leaf level) is nearly there
[Measures].[VolumeBOIDIntermediate]=[Measures].[Volume Boid]/[measures].[DistinctDeals]
then you just need to tell your measure to always sum things up at leaf level
[Deals BOID].[BackOfficeID].CurrentMember,
[Deals BOID].[BackOfficeID].levels( 2 )
now this is working..BUT annoyingly it works better when there is a current measure in place (oh i have a sort of NULL avoidance thing
and it's slow with some dimensions, not sure why...
got a bit of help from here
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