SSAS Aggregate Funcations

  • Hello

    I have a question about a specific function I would like to achieve, hope someone can give me some advice.

    I have a measure group that contains several measures, most using the SUM aggregate function other the count function. these are all working as expected and workeding well, but i have a measure which I want to show only the value that it contains, so no aggregation, I assumed that selecting the none Aggregate function would do this but when i have selected the none function the values for that measure remain blank.

    Any advice would be great, there a better way to achieve this , any advice would be great.

    Many Thanks

  • Are you looking to have the value be the most recent value regardless of how the axis are defined? If so you may want to try the LastChild Aggregate type.

  • Hello,

    Did you resolve this issue? I am also looking solution for similar problem. It would be great if you could update me on solutions on this if any.

    I appreciate your help.


    olafdedig (5/27/2009)


    I have a question about a specific function I would like to achieve, hope someone can give me some advice.

    I have a measure group that contains several measures, most using the SUM aggregate function other the count function. these are all working as expected and workeding well, but i have a measure which I want to show only the value that it contains, so no aggregation, I assumed that selecting the none Aggregate function would do this but when i have selected the none function the values for that measure remain blank.

    Any advice would be great, there a better way to achieve this , any advice would be great.

    Many Thanks

  • I have used the none aggregation type many times before and the value is always displayed without any issue, perhaps it is blank because of the format of the measure?

  • Hey,

    No, I was not able to get the value to display when I used the none agrregate method, I solved this by making changes to the views that I used in the DSV

  • Not sure this is your case but I solve this issue by using calculations on the cube. For example:

    Year Quarter Discount% Amount

    2003 Q1 35 $11,002,214.00

    Q2 37 $16,952,787.83

    Q3 37 $16,943,154.03

    Q4 31 $16,501,516.08

    Total 35 $61,399,671.94

    The Discount% can't be aggregated since it is percentage, but Amount need to apply aggregation.

  • How did you use a calculation on the cube to get it to work, i am having the same issue.

    this is exactly the issue that you stated below, but the example does not show what you did.

    ... Not sure this is your case but I solve this issue by using calculations on the cube. For example:

    The Discount% can't be aggregated since it is percentage, but Amount need to apply aggregation.

  • I did it like this:

    Define a calculation item [Avg Discount]:

    iif(IsEmpty([measures].[Qty]), NULL, 100 - (100*iif([Measures].[Amount]<0, -[Measures].[Amount], [Measures].[Amount]))/([Measures].[Qty]*[Measures].[Avg Rate]))

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