SQLUP!™– Ultimate Database Availability

  • Offers High availability and transparent application failover even over long distances uses both LAN and WAN.


    has any heard of this product or used it? any ideas, comments would be greatly appreciated.


  • Do a search on SQLUP and SQL-UP in the search of this site. I have not used it, but have seen threads in the past discuss it.

  • Got a white paper from them and looked into it a little. Uses replication on a transactional level plus custom work for the failover. Haven't tried it, but we may eval it here as an alternative to clustering. Be nice to have a warm backup in another building.

    Steve Jones



  • i downloaded their documentation and went over it. the solution seems ideal for replication and disaster recovery solutions.

    can you post or send me the white paper.

    do you have any plans how soon you intend to evaluate it?

  • Not my area for the eval. I deleted the white paper. I'd contact the company for more info.

    If I get a chance to get in on the eval, I'll write a review. It's an intersting idea if it works.

    Steve Jones



  • I evaluated the product whist it was in beta.

    It did what it said - appeared to be based on transactional replication. It needs loads of disk space; it crates a copy of every database to be replicated.

    We did not implement due to cost - I have already replied to a previous thread with details.


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