SQLStack Dump

  • Hi All,

    I have a SQL Server 2000 with Sp3 installed. Yesterday I got this error in SQL Error logs :

    Stack Dump being sent to D:\MSSQL\log\SQLDump0008.txt


           BugCheck Dump                                                          



    This file is generated by Microsoft SQL Server 8.00.818                       

    upon detection of fatal unexpected error. Please return this file,            

    the query or program that produced the bugcheck, the database and             

    the error log, and any other pertinent information with a Service Request.    


    Computer type is AT/AT COMPATIBLE.                                            

    Current time is 03:51:56 01/11/06.                                            

    4 Intel x86 level 15, 2788 Mhz processor(s).                                  

    Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 CSD Service Pack 4.                                 




    MemoryLoad = 98%         

    Total Physical = 2047 MB  

    Available Physical = 32 MB                         

    Total Page File = 3941 MB 

    Available Page File = 2034 MB                      

    Total Virtual = 2047 MB   

    Available Virtual = 265 MB                         


    *Stack Dump being sent to D:\MSSQL\log\SQLDump0008.txt                        

    * *****************************************************************************



    * BEGIN STACK DUMP:                                                           

    *   01/11/06 03:51:56 spid 76                                                 


    *   Exception Address = 15346B78 (Ordinal9 + 00002FEA Line 0+00000000)        

    *   Exception Code    = c0000005 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION                   

    *   Access Violation occurred reading address 4106F008                        

    *    u s p _ G e t S  0f 00 75 00 73 00 70 00 5f 00 47 00 65 00 74 00 53 00   

    *  e c u r i t y    @ 65 00 63 00 75 00 72 00 69 00 74 00 79 00 00 00 09 40   

    *   S c r e e n I d   00 53 00 63 00 72 00 65 00 65 00 6e 00 49 00 64 00 00   

    *  &  ;    @ C a p l  26 04 04 3b 00 00 00 0e 40 00 43 00 61 00 70 00 6c 00   

    *  i b i l i t y I d  69 00 62 00 69 00 6c 00 69 00 74 00 79 00 49 00 64 00   

    *   &   @ R e d i r e 01 26 04 00 0d 40 00 52 00 65 00 64 00 69 00 72 00 65   

    *   c t F i l e  §2   00 63 00 74 00 46 00 69 00 6c 00 65 00 01 a7 32 00 09   

    *                     04 f0 00 00 ff ff                                       



    *  MODULE                          BASE      END       SIZE                   

    * sqlservr                       00400000  00B32FFF  00733000                 

    * ntdll                          77F80000  77FFCFFF  0007d000                 

    * KERNEL32                       7C570000  7C627FFF  000b8000                 

    * ADVAPI32                       7C2D0000  7C331FFF  00062000                 

    * RPCRT4                         77D30000  77DA0FFF  00071000                 

    * USER32                         77E10000  77E74FFF  00065000                 

    * GDI32                          77F40000  77F7DFFF  0003e000                 

    * OPENDS60                       41060000  41065FFF  00006000                 

    * MSVCRT                         78000000  78044FFF  00045000                 

    * UMS                            41070000  4107BFFF  0000c000                 

    * SQLSORT                        42AE0000  42B6FFFF  00090000                 

    * MSVCIRT                        780A0000  780B1FFF  00012000                 

    * sqlevn70                       10000000  10006FFF  00007000                 

    * NETAPI32                       10C70000  10CBEFFF  0004f000                 

    * SECUR32                        10CC0000  10CCEFFF  0000f000                 

    * NETRAP                         10CD0000  10CD5FFF  00006000                 

    * SAMLIB                         10CE0000  10CEEFFF  0000f000                 

    * WS2_32                         10CF0000  10D03FFF  00014000                 

    * WS2HELP                        10D10000  10D17FFF  00008000                 

    * WLDAP32                        10D20000  10D49FFF  0002a000                 

    * DNSAPI                         10D50000  10D73FFF  00024000                 

    * WSOCK32                        10D80000  10D87FFF  00008000                 

    * ole32                          11170000  1125EFFF  000ef000                 

    * XOLEHLP                        112E0000  112E7FFF  00008000                 

    * MSDTCPRX                       112F0000  113A6FFF  000b7000                 

    * MTXCLU                         113B0000  113BFFFF  00010000                 

    * VERSION                        113C0000  113C6FFF  00007000                 

    * LZ32                           113D0000  113D5FFF  00006000                 

    * CLUSAPI                        113E0000  113EFFFF  00010000                 

    * RESUTILS                       113F0000  113FCFFF  0000d000                 

    * USERENV                        11400000  11460FFF  00061000                 

    * rnr20                          11470000  1147BFFF  0000c000                 

    * iphlpapi                       114C0000  114D2FFF  00013000                 

    * ICMP                           114E0000  114E4FFF  00005000                 

    * MPRAPI                         114F0000  11506FFF  00017000                 

    * OLEAUT32                       11510000  115AAFFF  0009b000                 

    * ACTIVEDS                       115B0000  115DEFFF  0002f000                 

    * ADSLDPC                        115E0000  11602FFF  00023000                 

    * RTUTILS                        11610000  1161DFFF  0000e000                 

    * SETUPAPI                       11620000  116ADFFF  0008e000                 

    * RASAPI32                       118B0000  118E2FFF  00033000                 

    * RASMAN                         118F0000  11900FFF  00011000                 

    * TAPI32                         11910000  11931FFF  00022000                 

    * COMCTL32                       11940000  119C8FFF  00089000                 

    * SHLWAPI                        119D0000  11A19FFF  0004a000                 

    * DHCPCSVC                       11A20000  11A38FFF  00019000                 

    * winrnr                         11EE0000  11EE7FFF  00008000                 

    * rasadhlp                       11EF0000  11EF4FFF  00005000                 

    * SSNETLIB                       126C0000  126D4FFF  00015000                 

    * NTMARTA                        12710000  1272CFFF  0001d000                 

    * WINSPOOL                       12730000  1274DFFF  0001e000                 

    * MPR                            12770000  1277FFFF  00010000                 

    * NTDSAPI                        12780000  12790FFF  00011000                 

    * security                       12E00000  12E03FFF  00004000                 

    * msafd                          12E10000  12E2DFFF  0001e000                 

    * wshtcpip                       12E70000  12E76FFF  00007000                 

    * SSmsLPCn                       12F00000  12F07FFF  00008000                 

    * SSnmPN70                       12F40000  12F45FFF  00006000                 

    * mswsock                        13050000  13061FFF  00012000                 

    * kerberos                       130C0000  130F5FFF  00036000                 

    * CRYPTDLL                       13100000  1310DFFF  0000e000                 

    * MSASN1                         13110000  1311FFFF  00010000                 

    * msv1_0                         134A0000  134C0FFF  00021000                 

    * CRYPT32                        134D0000  13556FFF  00087000                 

    * SQLFTQRY                       13BA0000  13BD1FFF  00032000                 

    * CLBCATQ                        13BF0000  13C7FFFF  00090000                 

    * sqloledb                       13C90000  13D02FFF  00073000                 

    * MSDART                         1F660000  1F67EFFF  0001f000                 

    * comdlg32                       13D10000  13D4DFFF  0003e000                 

    * SHELL32                        13D50000  13F97FFF  00248000                 

    This is just some extract from the dump file. The SQl Server was hung and I had to restart the Server. The Server is working fine now.

    However how do I ensure that this wont rehappen again and this being a Production box, I cannot afford to reatart the box everytime.

    Thanks -- Kishore



  • Call PSS to debug the problem. It's worth the $$ for a production box

  • Is there no other alternative than calling PSS ? Pls. suggest.


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