SQLserveragent SQLServer Error: 1115

  • I noticed today that the backups on a server were not running.

    The reason was simple that SQLServer agent did not restart after a reboot, although the service was on automatic.

    I could start it by hand without any problem, but I would like to prevent this in the future.

    This is SQLServer 2000 SP 3. Both SQLSrver and SQLServer agent are started by local system.

    SQLAgent.log shows:

    2003-02-05 11:41:00 - ? [130] SQLSERVERAGENT stopping because of Windows shutdown...

    2003-02-05 11:41:05 - ! [298] SQLServer Error: 1115, Cannot generate SSPI context [SQLSTATE HY000]

    2003-02-05 11:41:05 - ! [382] Logon to server '(local)' failed (SaveAllSchedules)

    2003-02-05 11:41:07 - ? [098] SQLServerAgent terminated (normally)

    There is no error message after the reboot. The service just does not start.

    HY000 is an odbc error with many variations.

    For "Cannot generate SSPI context" it says: The driver could not obtain an SSPI context required for integrated security. The native error will contain the Win32 error code.

    This suggests that 1115 is a windows error and sure enough win32 error 1115 means "a system shutdown is in progress", but I never saw this error before in sqlserver.log or sqlserveragent.log

    In case it is interesting: In the application eventlog, just before the sqlserver shutdown info message there is an error:

    User: NT Authority\SYSTEM

    Source: userenv

    eventID 1000

    Windows cannot unload your registry file ...

    DETAIL: Access is denied, Build number (2195)

    And system runs sqlserver agent.

    Does anybody know what was going on?


  • Is seems like an win 2000 login problem. Why don't you create another user in your server with admin rights and use that login for your services. Try rebooting the system, and see what happens.

  • Check your NT administrator to see any security policy changes to the local system account in this server too.

  • Thanks for the advice

    The NT administrator said he had not changed the permissions, but he had to do a forced reboot, because something did not stop on the server and that he had seen the error message for the system account in similar cases.

    I will try a reboot in the evening without changing the sqlserver login and see if the problem is gone.

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