
  • Hello everyone

    I am a project manager working on a project to migrate all of my companies 2000 databases to 2005. The primary factor is that we have been told that 2000 will be unsupported at the end of this year.

    I cannot find on Microsoft or google any reference to this de-support. Can someone confirm that this is the case?

    Secondly what does it mean? They will not provide anymore patches etc..

    What happens if we cannot migrate certain databases. Will they still be supported if we have a disaster?

    Thanks for your help.

  • Hi Jane,

    Firstly, good luck with the project; I'm sure that there are plenty of guys on here that can provide some help at sticky points.

    As for the unsupported Sql Server 2000, Microsoft's Support Lifecycle for it can be found here .

    Mainstream support for Sql Server ends on 8th April 2008, extended support until 2013. There's an article on this site, here[/url], by Steve Jones with a Why Upgrade? section. I suggest a look at this too.



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  • Thanks for you response. It's much appreciated.

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