SQLServer becoming unresponsive

  • Twice a day, SQLSERVER becomes unresponsive and I will have to stop TCP, SQLSERVER, and SQLSERVER Agent, then restart to connect to my sqlserver.

    OS=2008 R2 Server SP1

    SQL=2008 Enterprise SP2

    Error Log:

  • Your post is cut off.

  • Error Log

  • Error [298] sqlserver Error: 258 TXP provider: Timeout error [258].

    Error [165] ODBC error: Login timeout expired

    Error [298] Sqlserver error: 258 Unable to complete login process due to delay in prelogin response

  • Do you have login triggers?

  • No, I don't have login triggers


  • Can you define what unresponsive means? Are you sure it's the server and not your client?

    The inability to process a login usually means there are DDL triggers in place or a resource governor classifier that is delaying things. It could be memory as well. Is the server under load when this happens? Have you traced back through the error log before these messages to see what might be logged? Or maybe run a trace to track activity/performance monitor to track load before this happens?

  • It sounds like something is pegging the resources. Do you have scheduled events in SQL Server? How about in the OS? Do you have any form of monitoring in place so that you can observe the behavior of the server over time, see what's happening before it becomes unresponsive?

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    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • what other software runs on this server?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Shelley Allen (9/23/2011)

    Twice a day, SQLSERVER becomes unresponsive and I will have to stop TCP, SQLSERVER, and SQLSERVER Agent, then restart to connect to my sqlserver.

    OS=2008 R2 Server SP1

    SQL=2008 Enterprise SP2

    Error Log:

    Does it happen at approximately the same time every day?

    --Jeff Moden

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    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

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