SQLServer and Oracle

  • How can you syncronize data between SQLServer 2000 and Oracle9i DB

  • DTS will work. I'm sure there are other ways. Perhaps you can clarify by what you mean with "synchronize", what data, how it should work, schedule, etc.

  • Steve,

    I am wanting to create my own tables in SQL2000 that will populate information that is stored in an Oracle DB.  Example:  fname, lname, mi, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.  How do I set up a communication with the two separate DB's.  How would DTS know I am connecting to a oracle DB?

  • Have a look at Linked Servers in BOL

    * Noel

  • It looks like you want data insert/update in Oracle database be insert/update in SQL server at same time. You have to setup linked server and run distributed transation to insert/update on both databases.

    See BOL "Distributed Queries and Distributed Transactions"

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