sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029)

  • win2k3 server sp2

    sqlserver 2k sp3

    we used to have this maintenance plan to backup our databases and now it is not working. i made sure that the destination disk have enough space but i still get the error:

    Executed as user: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed.

    the maintenance plan (when viewed in the properties) have this inside:

    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sqlmaint N'-PlanID 524C3A14-C8A9-46C7-A231-C53D305825E5 -WriteHistory -

    VrfyBackup -BkUpMedia DISK -BkUpDB "F:\dbbackup" -CrBkSubDir -BkExt "BAK"'


    the plan was created from Maintenance -> Database Maintenance Plans using gui so i doubt a typo is causing the error.

    googling for the error turns up mostly saying to check the space which i've done. the database is 200GB and i have allocated a 1TB drive for the destination.

    how else to fix or know the cause of the problem?

  • woohooo!!! i fixed the problem. D#@d maintenance plan!

    i use t-sql commands for the backup and restore and now they're all working!!!


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