SqlJunkies.com: Just Launched Web Logs

  • We will be opening SqlJunkies.com soon, but we saw that there was a large need for SQL Server Web Logs so we're launching them early. But stay tuned for the rest of the site, we promise you that it will fastly become the largest SQL Server web site on the net today with articles, how to's, proofs of concepts, direct access with the SQL Server team at MS, Forums, Blogs and much more!

    Most information to get a SQL blog going is on the home page, but if you want to get going right away email me at:



  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Well, I've been to this site, just out of curiosity.

    Do you think it's intentional, that one can see the XML code, when one clicks on certain links

    Btw, what are blog's. From what I have found, it seems to be some kind of e-diary or poetry albums.

    Can someone give me a simple definition that I can understand ?



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • "What are Blogs?":

    Have a look at:


  • Hi David,


    Have a look at:


    what I've said before. Some kind of e-diary

    Still trying to figure out why this should be something special???



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Well, you're doing better than me Frank. I can't even find the site.

    I think the special thing that we can look forward to will be the "direct access with the SQL Server team at MS". yeah, right.


    - Mark

    - Mark

  • quote:

    Well, you're doing better than me Frank. I can't even find the site.

    no problem with the site. Did they finally cut your internet connection ???


    I think the special thing that we can look forward to will be the "direct access with the SQL Server team at MS". yeah, right.

    that's the one thing I've ever dreamed of



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • Actually, our blogs are a little different than an online diary. You can see an example of our .NET Blogs here <a href="http://dotnetjunkies.com/WebLog/">DotNetJunkies Blogs</a>

    The SQLJunkies blogs specifically are going to be much more than these. We're working with the SQL Server team at MS and they're giong to be doing all of their dog food posts, hints, tips, etc of YUKON (not to mention we'll be the only public facing bug reporting site for YUKON Public beta)

    As for the question about the XML data, they should be working - You're the first person reporting they aren't. Can you elaborate?

  • Ah, and yes we were aware the site was down, but it was out of our control - apparently there was a major outage last night.

    Historically, this happens VERY infrequently! 2 times a year maybe.

  • Donny,

    Since we will be 'competitors', I think the appropriate place to advertise your site is the MS newsgroups or via paid advertising on Google or wherever.

    I also think that MS has done the community a huge disservice by electing to give one site exclusive access to the sql team. Lots of sites have been around for a while (many longer than us) and should have an equal chance for that kind of access if they want it.



  • Hey Andy,

    By no means do we want SqlJunkies to compete with any other SQL Server web site, in fact just the opposite. They wanted a single place to post stuff - that's it, but everything posted will be exposed to the world via services. Any other site will be welcome to take any information posted by MS or others and post it on their site. This is done already by other sites. What's the difference between us posting it first or Microsoft if everything is instantly exposed?

    I won't post anymore on your site if that's what you want, but all I'm trying to do is build a great, free community that benefits all.

    If you know of my reputation at all you would know I'm about helping all, not about competing. I just want the information as accessible as possible to all.

    But I digress, hopefully, in the future we'll be able to work together because I know you're site is in our spec. doc. to possibly work together on some stuff.

    Regards and Good Luck

    Donny Mack



    Since we will be 'competitors', I think the appropriate place to advertise your site is the MS newsgroups or via paid advertising on Google or wherever.

    I also think that MS has done the community a huge disservice by electing to give one site exclusive access to the sql team. Lots of sites have been around for a while (many longer than us) and should have an equal chance for that kind of access if they want it.



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