SQLDMO not registered.Snap-in failed to initialize

  • First time here.

    Hello all,

    A little history.

    I had MS SQL 7 installed on a Win2K Professional PC. Removed that and I tried to install MS SQL2000 Professional.

    All seemed to go smoothly until I tried to start the Enterprise Manager.

    I get SQLDOM has not been registered, please rerun setup . . .

    I've rerun setup a few times and I still cannot start the Enterprise Manager tool. I have a few DBs that I would like to administer and I can't get to them.

    I can run the Query Analyzer on any of the SQL servers on our network.

    One of the NT admins cleared the registry and folders of SQL references. We reinstalled and got the same SQLDMO error.

    Is there something I have overlooked?

    Can someone steer me in the right direction.



    The star that burns twice as bright burns half as long.
    Pay close attention and be illuminated by its brilliance. - paraphrased by me

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I unfortunately do not have an answer to your problem.  Looks like you posted this a while back.

    The reason I'm responding is that I'm having EXACTLY the same problem now and wonder if you were able to resolve.

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