SQLCMD format issue

  • Hello All,

    I am trying to export data using SQLCMD. One of the columns in the table has the FLOAT data type with all the values for that column is 1.

    when I select * from table in SSMS the result is correct.






    However when I use SQLCMD it returns






    This only happens when I run SQLCMD on a SQL server 2014. I have tested it on 2008 R2 and it works fine.

    I could use the convert or cast function but that would defeat the purpose of comparing data from 2 databases.

    Also I am unable to change the data type for that column.

  • You could try using BCP OUT with a format file...


  • I could do that but then I would have to create a new format file for every new table I compare.

    The BCP command only lets me export data one table at a time. I use the sqlcmd as inputting the query from .sql file.

  • You can format the output like

    ....sqlcmd ...

    1> SELECT FORMAT(Column_Name,'0') FROM table

    2> GO





    MCTS Sql Server 2008, Database Development

  • I was trying not to format the output as I wanted to compare the two tables. Its strange Im getting different results from the same sqlcmd on 2008 R2 and 2014.

    I found a work around, I ran the query as output to text file in SSMS and it gives out the correct format for both versions.

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