SQL/BIDS 2008 R2 Error Processing Mining Structure

  • I receive the following errors when attempting to process a data mining model against Adventure Works DW ... when following the instructions in the 70-448 exam prep book by Veerman, Lachev and Sarka. Thoughts or known compatibility issues?

    Error4Internal error: Invalid enumeration value. Please call customer support! is not a valid value for this element.

    Error5An error occurred while parsing the 'StorageMode' element at line 1, column 11172 ('http://schemas.microsoft.com/analysisservices/2003/engine' namespace) under Load/ObjectDefinition/Dimension/StorageMode.

    Error6Errors in the metadata manager. An error occurred when instantiating a metadata object from the file, '\\?\C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSAS10_50.MSSQLSERVER\OLAP\Data\TK 448 Mining Models Project.0.db\TargetMailDim.2.dim.xml'.

    Error7Error (Data mining): An error occurred while an internal object was being created.

  • Were you ever able to find a solution? I'm running into the same error and can't seem to find a fix.

  • Honestly, I believe I reinstalled either the sample files or SSIS, but it was a while ago.

  • I've run into the same error. I deleted the project and started over from a previous chapter but no luck. Anyone got a solution? The advice on other sites has been to delete the .xml files that the error message is pointing at. When I did that I ended up with a corrupt cube.

  • Maybe this is helpful for some:

    I deleted three files:

    TK448 Ch09 Sequence.6.dms.xml

    TK448 Ch09 Sequence ~MC.1.cub.xml

    TK448 Ch09 Sequence ~MC-Order Number.1.dim.xml

    after that i could deploy as usual.

  • Hi

    Also working my way through the 70-448 exam book and got this error. I have no flippen clue what it is on about but I went into SSMS and deleted the SSAS database....it deployed fine after that. Here is a link I read that led me to do that, hope it helps.




  • Hi,

    Your solution worked for me too.

    thank you very much

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