SQLAGENT job waiting on worker thread

  • Anyone can help me to extend the maximum work thread in sql agent in sql 2000, microsoft help not work, I already tested into my sql local. I edit into 20 but still after 10 job process, still waiting for worker thread.

    Anyone can help me?



  • Hi, see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/306457

    We had the same problem with jobs stalling and the above solved the problem.

  • Hello,

    I already fixed that error, now if i schedule 1 job in one time scheduled, I receive this error

    "Internal request (from SetJobNextRunDate [reason: schedule will not run again]) to deactivate schedule 28"

    Can you help me to fixed this error?


  • Hi,

    I have never seen this problem but a quick search on google revealed the following


    I hope it solves your problem.

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