sql7sp4-server (winnt4sp6a) to much paged

  • Can anyone help me with this one.

    I'm trying to determine why this sql7sp4-server (winnt4sp6a) is eating op more than 900Mb VM (560MbMemusage).

    This gradualy grows, but I cannot determine why. There are no open transactions.

    (Maybe cut and paste this back in notepad)


    ** syscacheobjects -- prepared objects **


    bucketid    cacheobjtype      objtype  objid       dbid   uid    refcounts   usecounts   pagesused   setopts     langid dateformat status      sqlbytes    sql                                                                                                                             

    ----------- ----------------- -------- ----------- ------ ------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ------ ---------- ----------- ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    1           Parse Tree        SysTab   1           1      1      1           1           15          185         0      1          0           20          sysobjects

    2           Parse Tree        SysTab   2           1      1      1           1           2           153         0      1          0           20          sysindexes

    3           Parse Tree        SysTab   1           3      1      1           1           15          185         0      1          0           20          sysobjects

    4           Parse Tree        SysTab   2           2      1      1           1           2           153         0      1          0           20          sysindexes

    4           Parse Tree        SysTab   1           4      1      1           1           15          185         0      1          0           20          sysobjects

    5           Parse Tree        SysTab   1           5      1      1           2           15          153         0      1          0           20          sysobjects

    6           Parse Tree        SysTab   1           6      1      1           1           15          185         0      1          0           20          sysobjects

    6           Parse Tree        SysTab   2           3      1      1           1           2           153         0      1          0           20          sysindexes

    7           Parse Tree        SysTab   1           7      1      1           1           15          185         0      1          0           20          sysobjects

    8           Parse Tree        SysTab   2           4      1      1           1           1           153         0      1          0           20          sysindexes

    8           Parse Tree        SysTab   1           8      1      1           1           15          185         0      1          0           20          sysobjects

    10          Parse Tree        SysTab   2           5      1      1           1           2           153         0      1          0           20          sysindexes

    12          Parse Tree        SysTab   2           6      1      1           1           2           153         0      1          0           20          sysindexes

    14          Parse Tree        SysTab   2           7      1      1           1           2           153         0      1          0           20          sysindexes

    16          Parse Tree        SysTab   2           8      1      1           1           2           153         0      1          0           20          sysindexes

    30          Parse Tree        SysTab   30          1      1      1           3           1           185         0      1          0           24          sysdatabases

    65          Executable Plan   Prepared 952268373   5      -2     1           2           1           249         0      1          0           256         (@1 varchar(30),@2 varchar(30),@3 varchar(30),@4 int,@5 varchar(30),@6 int,@7 int,@8 varchar(30))INSERT [gi].[v_MatDBLog]([smelt

    65          Compiled Plan     Prepared 952268373   5      -2     2           2           2           249         0      1          0           256         (@1 varchar(30),@2 varchar(30),@3 varchar(30),@4 int,@5 varchar(30),@6 int,@7 int,@8 varchar(30))INSERT [gi].[v_MatDBLog]([smelt

    79          Compiled Plan     Adhoc    143318448   2      -2     1           1           4           185         0      1          0           256         select s1 = o.name, s2 = user_name(o.uid),o.crdate,o.id, N'SystemObj' = (case when (OBJECTPROPERTY(o.id, N'IsMSShipped')=1) then

    158         Compiled Plan     Adhoc    143318448   4      -2     1           1           4           185         0      1          0           256         select s1 = o.name, s2 = user_name(o.uid),o.crdate,o.id, N'SystemObj' = (case when (OBJECTPROPERTY(o.id, N'IsMSShipped')=1) then

    189         Parse Tree        View     245575913   4      1      1           20          5           185         0      1          0           24          sysjobs_view

    1118        Parse Tree        View     974626515   5      5      1           2           2           249         0      1          0           26          v_recept_kalk

    1810        Parse Tree        View     1026102696  5      5      1           6           3           249         0      1          0           20          v_MatDBLog

    2350        Executable Plan   Proc     1494296383  1      1      1           1           1           185         0      1          0           34          sp_MSdbuseraccess

    2350        Compiled Plan     Proc     1494296383  1      1      2           1           7           185         0      1          0           34          sp_MSdbuseraccess

    2860        Compiled Plan     Prepared 208562073   5      -2     1           1           1           249         0      1          1           106         Select bunker_nr, artikel_nr from gi.v_BunkerVoorkeur

    2993        Compiled Plan     Prepared 982200715   5      -2     2           2           2           249         0      1          0           132         SELECT * FROM [master].[dbo].[syscacheobjects] ORDER BY [bucketid]

    3060        Executable Plan   Prepared 359259591   5      -2     1           1           1           761         0      1          0           256         (@1 varchar(30),@2 varchar(30),@3 varchar(30),@4 varchar(30),@5 varchar(30),@6 varchar(30))INSERT [gi].[v_EventLog_OVEN1]([tseve

    3060        Compiled Plan     Prepared 359259591   5      -2     2           2           2           761         0      1          0           256         (@1 varchar(30),@2 varchar(30),@3 varchar(30),@4 varchar(30),@5 varchar(30),@6 varchar(30))INSERT [gi].[v_EventLog_OVEN1]([tseve

    3130        Compiled Plan     Prepared 373195443   5      -2     1           1           1           249         0      1          1           256         Select bunker_nr, artikel_nr, max(gewicht) as gewicht from gi.v_MatDBLog where smeltnr = '403028' and lijn_prod = 'OVEN1' and fl

    3321        Extended Proc     Proc     517576882   1      1      1           8           1           249         0      1          0           26          sp_cursoropen

    4153        Executable Plan   Proc     1563152614  4      1      1           2           1           185         0      1          0           50          sp_get_composite_job_info

    4153        Compiled Plan     Proc     1563152614  4      1      2           1           29          185         0      1          0           50          sp_get_composite_job_info

    5176        Parse Tree        Default  2085582468  5      5      1           1           1           761         0      1          0           46          DF_t_alice_temp_ts_crea

    5200        Executable Plan   Prepared 308537031   5      -2     1           69          3           249         0      1          0           256         (@1 varchar(30),@2 varchar(30),@3 varchar(30),@4 varchar(30),@5 varchar(30),@6 varchar(30),@7 varchar(30),@8 varchar(30),@9 varc

    5200        Compiled Plan     Prepared 308537031   5      -2     2           2           14          249         0      1          0           256         (@1 varchar(30),@2 varchar(30),@3 varchar(30),@4 varchar(30),@5 varchar(30),@6 varchar(30),@7 varchar(30),@8 varchar(30),@9 varc

    5596        Parse Tree        View     962102468   5      5      1           2           2           761         0      1          0           32          v_AlarmLog_OVEN1

    6471        Executable Plan   Prepared 916443298   5      -2     1           1           1           249         0      1          0           132         SELECT [name]=[name] FROM [master].[dbo].[sysdatabases] ORDER BY 1

    6471        Compiled Plan     Prepared 916443298   5      -2     2           2           1           249         0      1          0           132         SELECT [name]=[name] FROM [master].[dbo].[sysdatabases] ORDER BY 1

    6578        Parse Tree        Default  258099960   5      5      1           1           1           761         0      1          0           56          DF_t_eventlog_alice_fl_saved

    7369        Compiled Plan     Prepared 892882390   5      -2     1           2           1           249         0      1          0           256         (@1 varchar(30))SELECT [smeltnr]=[smeltnr],[artikel_nr]=[artikel_nr],[gewicht]=[gewicht],[proces_stap]=[proces_stap] FROM [gi].[

    7369        Compiled Plan     Prepared 892882390   5      -2     1           2           1           761         0      1          0           256         (@1 varchar(30))SELECT [smeltnr]=[smeltnr],[artikel_nr]=[artikel_nr],[gewicht]=[gewicht],[proces_stap]=[proces_stap] FROM [gi].[

    7369        Compiled Plan     Prepared 892882390   5      -2     1           2           1           249         0      1          1           256         (@1 varchar(30))SELECT [smeltnr]=[smeltnr],[artikel_nr]=[artikel_nr],[gewicht]=[gewicht],[proces_stap]=[proces_stap] FROM [gi].[

    9199        Parse Tree        Default  1470628282  5      5      1           1           1           249         0      1          0           46          DF_t_ReceptLog_receptId

    10984       Executable Plan   Adhoc    803918409   1      -2     1           1           1           185         0      1          0           196         select loginname from dbo.sysusers u, master.dbo.syslogins l where u.name = user and u.sid = l.sid

    10984       Compiled Plan     Adhoc    803918409   1      -2     2           1           1           185         0      1          0           196         select loginname from dbo.sysusers u, master.dbo.syslogins l where u.name = user and u.sid = l.sid

    12083       Compiled Plan     Adhoc    140035949   5      -2     1           1           1           761         0      1          0           256         Insert into gi.v_EventLog_OVEN1 (tseventbegin,tagname,tagdescr,value,priority,status) values('01/13/2004 11:15:11','BEV_SMELT_OV

    12946       Executable Plan   Proc     2075154438  1      1      1           1           2           185         0      1          0           46          sp_helppullsubscription

    12946       Compiled Plan     Proc     2075154438  1      1      2           1           3           185         0      1          0           46          sp_helppullsubscription

    12985       Parse Tree        Default  1534628510  5      5      1           1           1           249         0      1          0           44          DF_t_ReceptLog_fl_sync

    13463       Executable Plan   Proc     2094630505  1      1      1           1           1           185         0      1          0           42          sp_MSSQLDMO70_version

    13463       Compiled Plan     Proc     2094630505  1      1      2           1           1           185         0      1          0           42          sp_MSSQLDMO70_version

    14186       Parse Tree        Default  1618104805  5      5      1           1           1           249         0      1          0           44          DF_t_MatDBLog_receptId

    15150       Parse Tree        View     1790629422  5      5      1           2           2           249         0      1          0           32          v_BunkerVoorkeur

    16079       Parse Tree        Default  1650104919  5      5      1           1           1           249         0      1          0           46          DF_t_MatDBLog_fl_update

    16494       Extended Proc     Proc     501576825   1      1      1           30          1           249         0      1          0           28          sp_cursorfetch

    16944       Executable Plan   Prepared 916443298   6      -2     1           1           1           249         0      1          0           132         SELECT [name]=[name] FROM [master].[dbo].[sysdatabases] ORDER BY 1

    16944       Compiled Plan     Prepared 916443298   6      -2     2           2           1           249         0      1          0           132         SELECT [name]=[name] FROM [master].[dbo].[sysdatabases] ORDER BY 1

    17929       Executable Plan   Proc     1461580245  4      1      1           2           10          185         0      1          0           22          sp_help_job

    17929       Compiled Plan     Proc     1461580245  4      1      2           1           5           185         0      1          0           22          sp_help_job

    17972       Parse Tree        Default  1682105033  5      5      1           1           1           249         0      1          0           42          DF_t_MatDBLog_ts_krea

    20704       Executable Plan   Prepared 14061160    5      -2     1           2           1           249         0      1          0           256         (@1 varchar(30),@2 varchar(30),@3 int,@4 int,@5 varchar(30),@6 int,@7 int,@8 int,@9 varchar(30),@10 varchar(30),@11 varchar(30))

    20704       Compiled Plan     Prepared 14061160    5      -2     2           2           2           249         0      1          0           256         (@1 varchar(30),@2 varchar(30),@3 int,@4 int,@5 varchar(30),@6 int,@7 int,@8 int,@9 varchar(30),@10 varchar(30),@11 varchar(30))

    20758       Executable Plan   Prepared 96585568    5      -2     1           4           1           761         0      1          0           256         (@1 varchar(30),@2 varchar(30),@3 varchar(100),@4 varchar(30),@5 varchar(30),@6 varchar(30))INSERT [gi].[v_EventLog_OVEN1]([tsev

    20758       Compiled Plan     Prepared 96585568    5      -2     2           2           2           761         0      1          0           256         (@1 varchar(30),@2 varchar(30),@3 varchar(100),@4 varchar(30),@5 varchar(30),@6 varchar(30))INSERT [gi].[v_EventLog_OVEN1]([tsev

    21035       Extended Proc     Proc     1454628225  1      1      1           2           1           185         0      1          0           42          xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs

    21758       Compiled Plan     Adhoc    143318448   3      -2     1           1           4           185         0      1          0           256         select s1 = o.name, s2 = user_name(o.uid),o.crdate,o.id, N'SystemObj' = (case when (OBJECTPROPERTY(o.id, N'IsMSShipped')=1) then

    22358       Executable Plan   Prepared 770812353   5      -2     1           36          1           249         0      1          0           256         (@1 int,@2 int,@3 varchar(30),@4 varchar(30),@5 tinyint)UPDATE [gi].[v_Mat_Bunkers_OVEN1] SET [artikel_nr]=@1,[gewicht]=@2,[ts_w

    22358       Compiled Plan     Prepared 770812353   5      -2     2           2           2           249         0      1          0           256         (@1 int,@2 int,@3 varchar(30),@4 varchar(30),@5 tinyint)UPDATE [gi].[v_Mat_Bunkers_OVEN1] SET [artikel_nr]=@1,[gewicht]=@2,[ts_w

    22450       Parse Tree        View     1694629080  5      5      1           2           2           249         0      1          0           38          v_Mat_Bunkers_OVEN1

    22503       Parse Tree        View     1042102753  5      5      1           4           4           249         0      1          0           22          v_ReceptLog

    23485       Parse Tree        Default  338100245   5      5      1           2           1           761         0      1          0           56          DF_t_EventLog_OVEN1_fl_Saved

    23976       Compiled Plan     Adhoc    984713924   8      -2     1           1           1           185         0      1          0           144         select ceiling((sum(size) * (8192.0/1024.0)) / 1024.0) from dbo.sysfiles

    24094       Executable Plan   Prepared 136108618   5      -2     1           57          1           761         0      1          0           256         (@1 varchar(100),@2 varchar(30),@3 int,@4 varchar(30),@5 varchar(30),@6 varchar(30),@7 int,@8 int,@9 int)INSERT [gi].[t_EventLog

    24094       Compiled Plan     Prepared 136108618   5      -2     2           2           2           761         0      1          0           256         (@1 varchar(100),@2 varchar(30),@3 int,@4 varchar(30),@5 varchar(30),@6 varchar(30),@7 int,@8 int,@9 int)INSERT [gi].[t_EventLog

    24396       Parse Tree        View     1010102639  5      5      1           4           2           761         0      1          0           32          v_EventLog_OVEN1

    24769       Executable Plan   Proc     1870629707  1      1      1           18          3           185         0      1          0           30          sp_MStablespace

    24769       Compiled Plan     Proc     1870629707  1      1      2           1           5           185         0      1          0           30          sp_MStablespace

    24769       Executable Plan   Proc     1870629707  1      1      1           21          3           185         0      1          0           30          sp_MStablespace

    24769       Compiled Plan     Proc     1870629707  1      1      2           1           5           185         0      1          0           30          sp_MStablespace

    24769       Executable Plan   Proc     1870629707  1      1      1           35          3           185         0      1          0           30          sp_MStablespace

    24769       Compiled Plan     Proc     1870629707  1      1      2           1           5           185         0      1          0           30          sp_MStablespace

    24769       Executable Plan   Proc     1870629707  1      1      1           119         3           185         0      1          0           30          sp_MStablespace

    24769       Compiled Plan     Proc     1870629707  1      1      2           1           5           185         0      1          0           30          sp_MStablespace

    24769       Executable Plan   Proc     1870629707  1      1      1           18          3           185         0      1          0           30          sp_MStablespace

    24769       Compiled Plan     Proc     1870629707  1      1      2           1           5           185         0      1          0           30          sp_MStablespace

    24769       Executable Plan   Proc     1870629707  1      1      1           60          3           185         0      1          0           30          sp_MStablespace

    24769       Compiled Plan     Proc     1870629707  1      1      2           1           5           185         0      1          0           30          sp_MStablespace

    24769       Executable Plan   Proc     1870629707  1      1      1           19          3           185         0      1          0           30          sp_MStablespace

    24769       Compiled Plan     Proc     1870629707  1      1      2           1           5           185         0      1          0           30          sp_MStablespace

    24769       Executable Plan   Proc     1870629707  1      1      1           18          3           185         0      1          0           30          sp_MStablespace

    24769       Compiled Plan     Proc     1870629707  1      1      2           1           5           185         0      1          0           30          sp_MStablespace

    25378       Parse Tree        Default  306100131   5      5      1           2           1           761         0      1          0           48          DF_t_EventLog_OVEN1_guid

    25505       Parse Tree        View     697769543   1      1      1           2           7           185         0      1          0           18          syslogins

    26140       Compiled Plan     Adhoc    492467036   5      -2     1           1           1           761         0      1          0           256         Insert into gi.t_EventLog_Alice_OVEN1 (guid_alice,timestamp,hseconde,device,infobits,datatype,byte,bitnr,status) values('{1FA10E

    26662       Compiled Plan     Adhoc    356385948   1      -2     1           1           1           185         0      1          0           84          exec sp_MStablespace N'[dbo].[sysxlogins]'

    27087       Executable Plan   Proc     949578421   4      1      1           1           1           185         0      1          0           32          sp_help_category

    27087       Compiled Plan     Proc     949578421   4      1      2           1           2           185         0      1          0           32          sp_help_category

    27271       Parse Tree        Default  274100017   5      5      1           1           1           761         0      1          0           66          DF_t_EventLog_Alice_OVEN1_ts_krea

    27417       Executable Plan   Prepared 916443298   7      -2     1           1           1           249         0      1          0           132         SELECT [name]=[name] FROM [master].[dbo].[sysdatabases] ORDER BY 1

    27417       Compiled Plan     Prepared 916443298   7      -2     2           2           1           249         0      1          0           132         SELECT [name]=[name] FROM [master].[dbo].[sysdatabases] ORDER BY 1

    27523       Executable Plan   Prepared 138134761   5      -2     1           1           1           761         0      1          0           172         (@1 varchar(3000),@2 int)INSERT [gi].[t_alice_temp]([datastring],[stat]) VALUES(@1,@2)

    27523       Compiled Plan     Prepared 138134761   5      -2     2           2           1           761         0      1          0           172         (@1 varchar(3000),@2 int)INSERT [gi].[t_alice_temp]([datastring],[stat]) VALUES(@1,@2)

    27842       Compiled Plan     Prepared 646565903   5      -2     1           1           1           249         0      1          1           158         SELECT bunker_nr, artikel_nr, gewicht FROM gi.v_recept_kalk ORDER BY artikel_nr

    28672       Compiled Plan     Adhoc    97396955    6      -2     1           1           1           249         0      1          0           108         select name from master.dbo.sysdatabases order by name

    29213       Executable Plan   Proc     1481772336  1      1      1           1           2           185         0      1          0           56          sp_helpmergepullsubscription

    29213       Compiled Plan     Proc     1481772336  1      1      2           1           6           185         0      1          0           56          sp_helpmergepullsubscription

    29655       Parse Tree        Default  2037582297  5      5      1           1           1           761         0      1          0           40          DF_t_alice_temp_guid

    29667       Extended Proc     Proc     485576768   1      1      1           4           1           249         0      1          0           28          sp_cursorclose

    30116       Compiled Plan     Adhoc    984713924   1      -2     1           1           1           185         0      1          0           144         select ceiling((sum(size) * (8192.0/1024.0)) / 1024.0) from dbo.sysfiles

    31560       Extended Proc     Proc     325576198   1      1      1           1           1           185         0      1          0           16          xp_msver

    32376       Compiled Plan     Prepared 697383198   5      -2     1           2           1           249         0      1          1           256         Select bunker_nr, artikel_nr, gewicht, deel_recept_nr, volg_nr, recepttype from gi.v_ReceptLog where HeatNr = 'ml000021891' and

    32714       Executable Plan   Proc     885578193   4      1      1           1           1           185         0      1          0           36          sp_verify_category

    32714       Compiled Plan     Proc     885578193   4      1      2           1           2           185         0      1          0           36          sp_verify_category

    32986       Parse Tree        Default  1570104634  5      5      1           1           1           249         0      1          0           60          DF_t_SignaalLog_OVEN1_fl_saved

    33634       Compiled Plan     Adhoc    491522055   5      -2     1           1           1           761         0      1          0           256         Insert into gi.t_EventLog_Alice_OVEN1 (guid_alice,timestamp,hseconde,device,infobits,datatype,byte,bitnr,status) values('{1FA10E

    33678       Parse Tree        Default  1518628453  5      5      1           1           1           249         0      1          0           48          DF_t_ReceptLog_fl_update

    35571       Parse Tree        Default  1550628567  5      5      1           1           1           249         0      1          0           44          DF_t_ReceptLog_ts_krea

    36535       Parse Tree        View     1858105660  5      5      1           2           2           761         0      1          0           46          v_ladingsmodel_recepten

    36535       Parse Tree        View     1858105660  5      5      1           6           2           249         0      1          0           46          v_ladingsmodel_recepten

    37288       Executable Plan   Prepared 435050885   5      -2     1           2           1           761         0      1          0           166         (@P1 uniqueidentifier)DELETE FROM "Steelplant"."gi"."t_alice_temp" WHERE "guid"=@P1

    37288       Compiled Plan     Prepared 435050885   5      -2     2           1           1           761         0      1          0           166         (@P1 uniqueidentifier)DELETE FROM "Steelplant"."gi"."t_alice_temp" WHERE "guid"=@P1

    37425       Executable Plan   Proc     1835153583  1      1      1           1           1           153         0      1          0           48          sp_MSreplcheck_subscribe

    37425       Compiled Plan     Proc     1835153583  1      1      2           1           1           153         0      1          0           48          sp_MSreplcheck_subscribe

    37935       Executable Plan   Prepared 394885183   5      -2     1           1           1           761         0      1          0           256         (@P1 datetime,@P2 uniqueidentifier)UPDATE "Steelplant"."gi"."t_AlarmLog_OVEN1" SET "tsalarmend"=@P1 WHERE "guid"=@P2 AND "tsalar

    37935       Compiled Plan     Prepared 394885183   5      -2     2           1           1           761         0      1          0           256         (@P1 datetime,@P2 uniqueidentifier)UPDATE "Steelplant"."gi"."t_AlarmLog_OVEN1" SET "tsalarmend"=@P1 WHERE "guid"=@P2 AND "tsalar

    38665       Parse Tree        Default  1666104976  5      5      1           1           1           249         0      1          0           42          DF_t_MatDBLog_fl_sync

    39212       Compiled Plan     Prepared 36033282    5      -2     1           1           1           249         0      1          1           256         SELECT smeltnr, artikel_nr, gewicht, proces_stap FROM gi.v_ladingsmodel_recepten WHERE heatnr = 'ml000021891'ORDER BY artikel_nr

    39950       Compiled Plan     Adhoc    511853266   5      -2     1           1           3           249         0      1          0           256         INSERT INTO gi.v_SignaalLog_OVEN1 (ts_registratie, d001,d002,d003,d004,d005,d006,d007,d008,d009,d010,d011,d012,d013,d014,d015,d0

    40320       Compiled Plan     Adhoc    696659104   1      -2     1           1           1           185         0      1          0           256         select spid, status, N'loginname' = suser_sname(sid), hostname, program_name, cmd, N'dbname' = db_name(dbid), cpu, memusage, blo

    40528       Executable Plan   Prepared 522906607   5      -2     1           1           1           761         0      1          0           230         (@1 varchar(30),@2 varchar(30))SELECT * FROM [gi].[v_AlarmLog_OVEN1] WHERE (([tsalarmbegin]=@1) AND ([tagname]=@2))

    40528       Compiled Plan     Prepared 522906607   5      -2     2           2           1           761         0      1          0           230         (@1 varchar(30),@2 varchar(30))SELECT * FROM [gi].[v_AlarmLog_OVEN1] WHERE (([tsalarmbegin]=@1) AND ([tagname]=@2))

    40764       Compiled Plan     Prepared 178189834   4      -2     1           2           1           185         0      1          0           256         (@1 tinyint)SELECT [category_id]=[category_id],[category_type]=[category_type],[name]=[name] FROM [msdb].[dbo].[syscategories] W

    40947       Extended Proc     Proc     629577281   1      1      1           3           1           761         0      1          0           26          sp_executesql

    41303       Parse Tree        View     1090102924  5      5      1           2           32          249         0      1          0           36          v_SignaalLog_OVEN1

    41315       Executable Plan   Proc     43147199    1      1      1           1           2           185         0      1          0           30          sp_MSdbuserpriv

    41315       Compiled Plan     Proc     43147199    1      1      2           1           21          185         0      1          0           30          sp_MSdbuserpriv

    41802       Compiled Plan     Prepared 260884335   1      -2     1           2           2           185         0      1          0           256         (@1 int)SELECT [spid]=[spid],[status]=[status],[loginname]=suser_sname([sid]),[hostname]=[hostname],[program_name]=[program_name

    42104       Compiled Plan     Adhoc    984713924   3      -2     1           1           1           185         0      1          0           144         select ceiling((sum(size) * (8192.0/1024.0)) / 1024.0) from dbo.sysfiles

    (139 row(s) affected)

    ** DBCC SQLMGRSTATS -- Algemeen **


    Item                      Status     

    ------------------------- -----------

    Memory Used (8k Pages)    81

    Number CSql Objects       31

    Number False Hits         0

    (3 row(s) affected)

    ** DBCC memorystatus --Undocumented **


    Buffer Distribution            Value      

    ------------------------------ -----------

    Stolen                         231

    Free                           20785

    Procedures                     458

    Inram                          0

    Dirty                          908

    Kept                           17

    I/O                            0

    Latched                        0

    Other                          89665

    (9 row(s) affected)

    Buffer Counts                  Value      

    ------------------------------ -----------

    Commited                       112064

    Target                         129840

    Hashed                         90590

    InternalReservation            41

    ExternalReservation            0

    Min Free                       40

    (5 row(s) affected)

    Procedure Cache                Value      

    ------------------------------ -----------

    TotalProcs                     139

    TotalPages                     458

    InUsePages                     151

    (3 row(s) affected)

    Dynamic Memory Manager         Value      

    ------------------------------ -----------

    Stolen                         689

    OS                             346

    General                        714

    QueryPlan                      283

    Optimizer                      0

    Utilities                      8

    Connection                     30

    (7 row(s) affected)


    Global Memory Objects          Value      

    ------------------------------ -----------

    Resource                       365

    Locks                          32

    XDES                           1

    SQLCache                       81

    Replication                    2

    LockBytes                      2

    ServerGlobal                   20

    (7 row(s) affected)


    Query Memory Manager           Value      

    ------------------------------ -----------

    Grants                         0

    Waiting                        0

    Available                      97091

    Maximum                        97091

    (4 row(s) affected)

    Optimization Queue             Value      

    ------------------------------ -----------

    Optimizing                     0

    Waiting                        0

    Available                      4

    Maximum                        4

    (4 row(s) affected)

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

    ** DBCC proccache  -- enkel procedurecache **


    num proc buffs num proc buffs used num proc buffs active proc cache size proc cache used proc cache active

    -------------- ------------------- --------------------- --------------- --------------- -----------------

    283            283                 -36                   458             458             139

    (1 row(s) affected)

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.



    Object Type Hit Ratio                                             Object Count Avg Cost                                              Avg Pages                                             LW Object Count LW Avg Cost                                           LW Avg Stay (ms)                                      LW Avg Use Count                                     

    ----------- ----------------------------------------------------- ------------ ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- --------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------

    Proc        0.80373831775700932                                   42           0.97619047619047616                                   4.0238095238095237                                    0               0.0                                                   0.0                                                   0.0

    Prepared    0.98947368421052628                                   39           0.97435897435897434                                   1.5897435897435896                                    0               0.0                                                   0.0                                                   0.0

    Adhoc       0.0                                                   15           1.0                                                   1.7333333333333334                                    0               0.0                                                   0.0                                                   0.0

    ReplProc    0.0                                                   0            0.0                                                   0.0                                                   0               0.0                                                   0.0                                                   0.0

    Trigger     0.0                                                   0            0.0                                                   0.0                                                   0               0.0                                                   0.0                                                   0.0

    View        0.63636363636363635                                   12           1.0                                                   5.416666666666667                                     0               0.0                                                   0.0                                                   0.0

    Default     0.0625                                                15           1.0                                                   1.0                                                   0               0.0                                                   0.0                                                   0.0

    UsrTab      0.0                                                   0            0.0                                                   0.0                                                   0               0.0                                                   0.0                                                   0.0

    SysTab      0.14999999999999999                                   16           1.0                                                   7.5625                                                0               0.0                                                   0.0                                                   0.0

    Check       0.0                                                   0            0.0                                                   0.0                                                   0               0.0                                                   0.0                                                   0.0

    Rule        0.0                                                   0            0.0                                                   0.0                                                   0               0.0                                                   0.0                                                   0.0

    Summary     0.75292587776332898                                   139          0.98561151079136688                                   3.2949640287769784                                    0               0.0                                                   0.0                                                   0.0

    (12 row(s) affected)

    ** DBCC MEMUSAGE (default niet uitgevoerd) **




    Database Name                                                                                                                    Log Size (MB)            Log Space Used (%)       Status     

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ -----------

    SteelplantMES                                                                                                                    284.99219                0.38566709               0

    Steelplant                                                                                                                       511.99219                30.948254                0

    msdb                                                                                                                             3.4921875                65.659958                0

    tempdb                                                                                                                           0.7421875                73.125771                0

    model                                                                                                                            0.7421875                50.394737                0

    master                                                                                                                           1.2421875                60.455975                0

    (8 row(s) affected)

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.



    Statistic                        Value                   

    -------------------------------- ------------------------

    Scheduler ID                     0.0

      num users                      12.0

      num runnable                   0.0

      num workers                    16.0

      idle workers                   9.0

      work queued                    0.0

      cntxt switches                 5.1072212E+7

      cntxt switches(idle)           1.6846498E+7

      work processed                 4610490.0

    (9 row(s) affected)

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.



    Wait Type                        Requests                 Wait Time                Signal Wait Time        

    -------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ ------------------------

    MISCELLANEOUS                    1.3147745E+7             3.9603946E+8             2.0127363E+8

    LCK_M_SCH_S                      0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    LCK_M_SCH_M                      0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    LCK_M_IS                         97.0                     430901.0                 0.0

    LCK_M_SIU                        0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    LCK_M_IS_S                       0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    LCK_M_IX                         31.0                     670.0                    15.0

    LCK_M_SIX                        0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    LCK_M_S                          24.0                     26017.0                  16.0

    LCK_M_U                          7.0                      1892.0                   0.0

    LCK_M_II_NL                      0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    LCK_M_II_X                       0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    LCK_M_IU                         0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    LCK_M_IS_U                       0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    LCK_M_X                          37.0                     299.0                    0.0

    LCK_M_BU                         0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    RESOURCE_SEMAPHORE               0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    DTC                              0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    OLEDB                            0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    WRITELOG                         2643889.0                5688933.0                513257.0

    PSS_CHILD                        0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    EXCHANGE                         0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    XCB                              1844.0                   67917.0                  48.0

    DBTABLE                          0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    EC                               0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    TEMPOBJ                          0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    XACTLOCKINFO                     0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    LOGMGR                           0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    CMEMTHREAD                       0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    CXPACKET                         0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    PAGESUPP                         0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    SHUTDOWN                         0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    WAITFOR                          0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    CURSOR                           0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    LATCH_EX                         0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    LATCH_SH                         0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    LATCH_UP                         0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    PAGELATCH_EX                     211720.0                 78403.0                  76483.0

    PAGELATCH_SH                     1024.0                   15.0                     15.0

    PAGELATCH_UP                     23.0                     32.0                     0.0

    PAGEIOLATCH_EX                   2327.0                   2071.0                   77.0

    PAGEIOLATCH_SH                   3496.0                   10558.0                  315.0

    PAGEIOLATCH_UP                   11164.0                  23841.0                  752.0

    NETWORKIO                        0.0                      0.0                      0.0

    Total                            1.6023428E+7             4.0237098E+8             2.0186462E+8

    (1 row(s) affected)

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.



    Statistic                        Value                   

    -------------------------------- ------------------------

    Reads Outstanding                0.0

    Writes Outstanding               0.0

    (2 row(s) affected)

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.



    Statistic                        Value                   

    -------------------------------- ------------------------

    RA Pages Found in Cache          0.0

    RA Pages Placed in Cache         0.0

    RA Physical IO                   0.0

    Used Slots                       0.0

    (4 row(s) affected)

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.



    Spid  Thread ID  Status     LoginName  IO          CPU         MemUsage   

    ----- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ----------- -----------

    1                sleeping   NULL       0           0           44

    2                background NULL       0           0           -5

    3                background NULL       0           0           0

    4                sleeping   NULL       0           0           0

    5                sleeping   NULL       5489        0           0

    6                background NULL       323         0           0

    7     10961(0x2a runnable   ALZDM1\B07 6           0           -21159

    8     10918(0x2a sleeping   ALZDM1\B07 0           0           0

    9     10918(0x2a sleeping   gi         8           0           20

    10    10918(0x2a sleeping   gi         552         0           297

    11    10918(0x2a runnable   gi         0           0           0

    12    10872(0x2a sleeping   ALZDM1\B07 8           0           -1

    13    10947(0x2a sleeping   ALZDM1\B07 8           0           11

    (13 row(s) affected)

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.



    num proc buffs num proc buffs used num proc buffs active proc cache size proc cache used proc cache active

    -------------- ------------------- --------------------- --------------- --------------- -----------------

    283            283                 -36                   458             458             139

    (1 row(s) affected)

    DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact your system administrator.

    ** sp_configure **


    name                                minimum     maximum     config_value run_value  

    ----------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ------------ -----------

    affinity mask                       0           2147483647  0            0

    allow updates                       0           1           0            0

    cost threshold for parallelism      0           32767       5            5

    cursor threshold                    -1          2147483647  -1           -1

    default language                    0           9999        0            0

    default sortorder id                0           255         52           52

    extended memory size (MB)           0           2147483647  0            0

    fill factor (%)                     0           100         0            0

    index create memory (KB)            704         1600000     0            0

    language in cache                   3           100         3            3

    language neutral full-text          0           1           0            0

    lightweight pooling                 0           1           0            0

    locks                               5000        2147483647  0            0

    max async IO                        1           255         32           32

    max degree of parallelism           0           32          0            0

    max server memory (MB)              4           2147483647  2147483647   2147483647

    max text repl size (B)              0           2147483647  65536        65536

    max worker threads                  10          1024        255          255

    media retention                     0           365         0            0

    min memory per query (KB)           512         2147483647  1024         1024

    min server memory (MB)              0           2147483647  0            0

    nested triggers                     0           1           1            1

    network packet size (B)             512         65535       4096         4096

    open objects                        0           2147483647  0            0

    priority boost                      0           1           0            0

    query governor cost limit           0           2147483647  0            0

    query wait (s)                      -1          2147483647  -1           -1

    recovery interval (min)             0           32767       0            0

    remote access                       0           1           1            1

    remote login timeout (s)            0           2147483647  5            5

    remote proc trans                   0           1           0            0

    remote query timeout (s)            0           2147483647  0            0

    resource timeout (s)                5           2147483647  10           10

    scan for startup procs              0           1           0            0

    set working set size                0           1           0            0

    show advanced options               0           1           1            1

    spin counter                        1           2147483647  10000        0

    time slice (ms)                     50          1000        100          100

    two digit year cutoff               1753        9999        2049         2049

    Unicode comparison style            0           2147483647  196609       196609

    Unicode locale id                   0           2147483647  1033         1033

    user connections                    0           32767       0            0

    user options                        0           4095        0            0



    Learn to play, play to learn !

    Dont drive faster than your guardian angel can fly ...
    but keeping both feet on the ground wont get you anywhere :w00t:

    - How to post Performance Problems
    - How to post data/code to get the best help[/url]

    - How to prevent a sore throat after hours of presenting ppt

    press F1 for solution, press shift+F1 for urgent solution 😀

    Need a bit of Powershell? How about this

    Who am I ? Sometimes this is me but most of the time this is me

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I am not sure that this is all of your problem but the cntxt switches looks high for the amount of work processed. In order for your processor to take that kind of context switching, depending on the processor you have, it may be digging into your memory.

      cntxt switches        5.1072212E+7

      cntxt switches(idle)  1.6846498E+7

      work processed        4610490.0


    Check the recompiles of your sp's.

    Hope this helps you get to the answer.

  • Thanks for the reply, but the thread is over 1 year old

    The sp-recompiles is what we've worked on, as well as ram-extention.

    We've also detected that many mem is consumed because of scans for bit-columns as filter-criteria.


    Learn to play, play to learn !

    Dont drive faster than your guardian angel can fly ...
    but keeping both feet on the ground wont get you anywhere :w00t:

    - How to post Performance Problems
    - How to post data/code to get the best help[/url]

    - How to prevent a sore throat after hours of presenting ppt

    press F1 for solution, press shift+F1 for urgent solution 😀

    Need a bit of Powershell? How about this

    Who am I ? Sometimes this is me but most of the time this is me

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 3 (of 3 total)

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