August 18, 2011 at 3:42 am
I'm having a table with 10 columns in SQL server, From my frontend .NET application i'm generating an XML string for class object and passing it as 'XML' data type to my stored procedure, I want to update table with XML elements. My XML will be in the below format, can anyone please help me out with update query uisng CTE JOINS?
-- '<CandidateInterviewList>
-- <Candidateinterviewhistoryid>a8578d7d-0dda-44b1-8b6d-9dd14120e058</Candidateinterviewhistoryid>
-- <Candidateinterviewid>27220e28-bf7c-45be-8153-3577c4fb1a0f</Candidateinterviewid>
-- <Candidateid>bc486cea-e76b-432d-a5bb-296ce1904c4e</Candidateid>
-- <Jobreqid>831ad760-a3b3-4322-96b3-024c7e36946d</Jobreqid>
-- <Panelid>49f2b2ea-8a56-43fa-b87e-b931c63fa985</Panelid>
-- <Interviewstartdate>2011-08-16T00:00:00</Interviewstartdate>
-- <Interviewenddate>2011-08-16T00:00:00</Interviewenddate>
-- <Interviewstarttime>10:00 AM</Interviewstarttime>
-- <Interviewendtime>1:00 PM</Interviewendtime>
-- <Interviewtypeid>971b3e3b-e20d-42a3-b161-17d2625cc7db</Interviewtypeid>
-- <Statusid>a080e992-213d-4f5e-9883-f6d9d5dece44</Statusid>
-- <Comments>Test Comments</Comments>
-- <Datecreated>2011-08-18T14:22:04</Datecreated>
-- <Modifiedcontent><P><FONT color=#000000 face="Courier New">Dear Candidate,</FONT</Modifiedcontent>
-- </CandidateInterviewDTO>
-- </Candidateshortlistedoperation>
-- </CandidateInterviewList>'
August 18, 2011 at 6:55 am
Hi All,
I'm able to build the query shown below, But the record in the table is not getting updated 🙁
DECLARE @passedXML xml
DECLARE @CandidateInterview TABLE (CandidateInterviewID uniqueidentifier,
CandidateID uniqueidentifier,
JobReqID uniqueidentifier,
PanelID uniqueidentifier,
InterviewStartDate datetime,
InterviewEndDate datetime,
InterviewStartTime varchar(50),
InterviewEndTime varchar(50),
InterviewTypeID uniqueidentifier,
StatusID uniqueidentifier,
Comments varchar(500),
ModifiedContent nvarchar(max),
TemplateID uniqueidentifier,
CostID uniqueidentifier,
IsCandidateNotified char(1),
DateCreated datetime,
DateModified datetime
SET @passedXML=
; WITH CTE as(
SELECT x.record.query('Candidateinterviewid[1]').value('.','uniqueidentifier') CandidateInterviewID,
x.record.query('Statusid[1]').value('.','uniqueidentifier') StatusID
FROM @passedXML.nodes('CandidateInterviewList/Candidateshortlistedoperation/CandidateInterviewDTO') as x(record))
UPDATE @CandidateInterview
SET StatusID = CTE.Statusid
FROM @CandidateInterview T
JOIN CTE ON CTE.Candidateinterviewid=T.CandidateInterviewID
Can anyone please correct me where i'm going wrong..
August 18, 2011 at 7:14 am
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