
  • We have an application with the following architecture.

    Database – IIS – Web services – internet – Client application.

    Part of the application is to request reports from the database. The reports are designed in Excel which automatically refresh when you it is opened via the application. The problem is that excel at this stage talks directly to the data base, which is not the correct architecture ie bypasses the web services and IIS

    Excel will have to go through the same route as the application

    Database – IIS – Web services – internet – Excel (which when it is opened via the application which resides on the client computer) must have the latest data from the data base.

    In other words we want excel to talk to the web service via XML

    (I am not sure if this is the correct forum and will post this on the web services forum as well)


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  • If your Excel is XP/2003 it is actually very easy because you just save the Excel as XML.  Try the link below for the Excel XML Toolbox.  Hope this helps.


    Kind regards,

    Gift Peddie

    Kind regards,
    Gift Peddie

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