• I have this table:

    MapID SeriesID Year

    ==== ====== ====

    AAA 1 1971

    AAA 1 1985


    AAA 1 2000

    BBB 1 1756

    BBB 1 1757


    AAA 2 1899


    In other words, for every MapID and SeriesID there are several years. I need to stick all the years together to achieve the following:

    MapID SeriesID AllYears

    ==== ====== =====

    AAA 1 1971, 1985, ..., 2000

    BBB 1 1756, 1757, ...


    AAA 2 1899, ...

    i.e. something like

    SELECT MapID, SeriesID, MadeUpStringConcatenationFunction (Year) AS AllYears

    FROM MyTableName

    GROUP BY MapID, SeriesID

    I understand the FOR XML PATH syntax in SQL can be used to stick string values in different rows together; however, so far I have only managed to combine everything into a single element, rather than one row per MapID/SeriesID combination (as shown above).

    All answers gratefully received! (Or pointers to a different site if this is not the right forum.)


    Ed Graham

  • This should do it

    SELECT a.MapID,


    STUFF((SELECT ','+CAST(b.Year AS VARCHAR(10)) AS "text()"

    FROM MyTableName b

    WHERE a.MapID=b.MapID

    AND a.SeriesID=b.SeriesID

    ORDER BY b.Year

    FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') AS AllYears

    FROM MyTableName a

    GROUP BY a.SeriesID,a.MapID

    ORDER BY a.SeriesID,a.MapID;


    Deja View - The strange feeling that somewhere, sometime you've optimised this query before

    How to get the best help on a forum

  • That's excellent! Now working perfectly -- thank you very much indeed.

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