SQL v7.0 Damaged CD / Move to SQL2005?

  • I have an SQL v7.0 server running that is mainly used for data warehousing.  It's one of those deals where it's been working, so we haven't upgraded, etc .  Recently we upgraded the Symantec Backup software on the server which put a runtime instance of SQL2005 on it which has totally messed up the SQL v7.0.

    I was going to just delete everything and reinstall SQL v7.0 and restore from backup, but my SQL v7.0 CD is damaged.  I am licensing for SQL2005, but we are not experienced with this version, so I was looking to see if anyone had any thoughts about trying to do an upgrade on from SQL v7.0 to SQL2005.

    Or if anyone knows of how I could obtain a CD or download of SQL v7.0 to get this box running until I could determine what effects SQL2005 would have.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • you need to contact Microsoft if they can replace for you based on your license key. before upgrade i am sure you have all last good known backups including System Database. if you are going to upgrade to SQL Server 2005 then that will be fresh install & you can restore the User Database. but always keep safe copy of your User Database before you do any reinstall or upgrade. once Database restore on SQL 2005 you cannot revert database back from 2005 to 2000 or 7.0. as database version changes from 539(7.0 & 2000) to 611(SQL 2005).

    Another option is once you install SQL Server 7.0 then you can run side by side install of SQL Server 2005 for testing purpose. you have to make sure & tests all te objects created 7.0 can run successfull on SQL 2005. i will not recommend to upgrade from 7.0 to 2005 if required testing is not done. Microsoft upgrade wizard doesn't gives you enough information when upgrading from 7.0 to 2005 or 2000 to 2005. so don't be solely dependent on upgrade wizard. i hope this helps.

  • Thanks ...  I contacted them last week and they can not help me.


  • i forgot add that if your are going for SQL 2005 & thorough test as not done on 7.0 database then i recommend to keep backward compatibility for your 7.0 user database in SQL Server 2005.

  • May I ask why they refused to help you? You said you are licensed for 2005, and they do allow "Downgrade Rights" for previous versions under those circumstances. It should be outlined in your 2005 EULA.

  • I was not the one that actually talked to them, it was my Network Admin ... I believe he told me that they notified him since that version was no longer supported, they would not provide us a download. 

    I will however investigate further given this inforamtion ... 


  • Another avenue to get another SQL 7.0 CD would be if you could find an old set of MSDN CD's or if you're currently licensed with an MSDN subscription you should be able to download 7.0  Although I just checked and only had the options of 6.5, 200 and 2005/  Odd that 7.0 was missing...

    Also didn't SQL 7 come with one of the Pre Small bussiness server (like backoffice server 4.5 or something) offerings?

    To help us help you read this[/url]For better help with performance problems please read this[/url]

  • And people wonder why I have copies of all install CD's from 7.0 and up at home


  • It sounds as if Anders is going to 'burn' something for the mail ... good show ...

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • I have been luckily and able to obtain the SQL v7.0 CD from our reseller !!!  thanks for all the help.. !!

  • Sounds like a new business venture! 


    I was going to suggest contact a consulting firm or someone else in your city that uses SQL and see if they could get you a copy. 

    I do try to make copies of all CDs/DVDs that I need to recover a server.  At my previous job we used Double Take to replicate the servers from Texas to Florida, but I also had a copy of the OS, SQL and all other applications on the server in a safe at the DR site.  Worst case if we lost the originals in an emergency I could copy them over the network, or have them shipped to me.

  • Can anyone tell me how to force SQL to reinstall on a current installion? I have a "partially" damaged installion due to another application being install on this server. I obtained a SQLv7.0 enterprise version and it said it installed, but didn't help my situation.

    What is happening is the server is running and applications are able to access the data. However, this is a warehouse, and I can not longer run import jobs (DTS) to bring in new data. If I try to create a new DTS package is says error occurred during creation of DTS package ... I get the exact same error when I try to execute one already in the system.

    I'm not getting any specific errors in the event log and just not sure where to turn ..

  • Are you trying to create them while remoting into the server, or on the server box directly? If not, try that first.

  • Actually on the server.  I did some digging and one suggestion was to re-register the dtspkg.dll file which I did.  Now I'm getting an error on any DTS package I try to execute or create that says "Invalid String Class".

    At this point, I'm ready to just delete SQL and re-install, but due to the down time and size of the databases being off-line, It would be a last resort ...  I don't even mind recreating the DTS packages, if I could just get the imports to work.

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