sql update query with concatation on value? Is this possible

  • I'm trying to concatanate values on a table update from another table.

    DECLARE @tbl_to TABLE(col1 INT, col2 nvarchar(100))

    INSERT INTO @tbl_to(col1,col2)

    VALUES ( 1,'' )

    INSERT INTO @tbl_to(col1,col2)

    VALUES ( 2,'' )

    INSERT INTO @tbl_to(col1,col2)

    VALUES ( 3,'' )

    INSERT INTO @tbl_to(col1,col2)

    VALUES ( 4,'' )

    INSERT INTO @tbl_to(col1,col2)

    VALUES ( 5,'' )

    DECLARE @tbl_from TABLE(col3 INT, col4 nvarchar(100))

    INSERT INTO @tbl_from

    SELECT 1, 'a'


    SELECT 2, 'a'


    SELECT 2, 'b'


    SELECT 3, 'x'


    SELECT 4, 'y'


    SELECT 5, 'd'


    SELECT 5, 'e'


    SELECT 5, 'f'

    UPDATE @tbl_to

    SET col2 = col2 + col4 + ','

    FROM @tbl_from WHERE [@tbl_to].col1 = [@tbl_from].col3

    SELECT * FROM @tbl_to

    Is there any way to do this without using XMLPATH and the STUFF() function. I've tried this and weirdly the query is extremely slow on an update, select is fine though ?


  • You might be experiencing a problem described by Jeff Moden in the following article:


    I'm not sure how you tried to do the update with XML PATH, but it might not be the cause of the problem.

    UPDATE t

    SET col2 = col2 + STUFF( (SELECT ',' + f.col4

    FROM @tbl_from f

    WHERE t.col1 = f.col3

    FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '')

    FROM @tbl_to t

    Luis C.
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  • Luis Cazares (10/1/2014)

    You might be experiencing a problem described by Jeff Moden in the following article:


    I'm not sure how you tried to do the update with XML PATH, but it might not be the cause of the problem.

    UPDATE t

    SET col2 = col2 + STUFF( (SELECT ',' + f.col4

    FROM @tbl_from f

    WHERE t.col1 = f.col3

    FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '')

    FROM @tbl_to t

    Thanks for putting me on the right track, that article was extremely useful!

    One thing, I've added a 'where exists' to only update relevant results..

    UPDATE t

    SET col2 = col2 + STUFF( (SELECT ',' + f.col4

    FROM @tbl_from f

    WHERE t.col1 = f.col3

    FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '')

    FROM @tbl_to t

    WHERE exists (SELECT 1 FROM @tbl_from f WHERE f.sessionid = t.sessionid)


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